It is a Java application created to generate verification links. It will send users an email requiring them to click a link to verify their email before their email is added to whatever you want to add it to. It helps to verify users through their email and prevents from spam users. The application consists of the following three pages:-
Registration Page where the user is required to sign-up in the application and provide his details along with a valid email address and password.
Verify Page which appears on successful completion of the Registration page.
Sign-In Page which appears when the users account has been successfully verified through the verification link generated by the application.
Also, the appliation creates database entry for all the registered users with the following six parameters:-
- First name
- Last name
- Password
- Hash
- Active
The active state will tell whether the user has clicked the verification link or not. It will hold an initial value of 0 when the user will create an account and will be changed to 1 when the user will verify the account by clicking on the verification link thus completing the verification of the email address.
- JDK 8 or above
- Apache Tomcat v8.0 or above
- MySQL Database
Do not forget to make the following changes in the application before running according to your preferences.
Database link, username and password details in file
Change the email address and password for the account from which verification link will be send in file
Change the localhost port according to your preference in file