植生所-郝国栋整理的实验生物学的资料 手机需要在以桌面版访问,里面有全部的实验生物学的ppt,以及一些复习资料
- Second messengers, Diffusion and electrical signaling factors Michael X.Zhu
- 基因编辑 杨辉 石卉
- 电生理技术 徐春 黄潞言
- Historical Overview of Neuroscience 蒲慕明
- Membrane potential and action potential 徐宁龙 王华磊
- Ion channels 竺淑佳 孙瑜洁
- Synaptic transmission I: Basic synaptic physiology 徐春 李効东
- Synaptic transmission II: Transmitters and modulators 杜久林 赵珊
- Organization of the CNS 梁智锋 肖永祥
- Macroscopic brain imaging methods 王征
- Optical imaging and optogenetic methods 王凯
- Genetic editing methods 杨辉
- Neural Development I: Neural induction and neuronal differentiation 何杰
- Neural Development II: Neural stem cells and neuroprogenitors 陈跃军 曲雪彤
- Neural Development III: Neuronal migration and axon pathfinding 徐华泰
- Neural Development V: Aging of the nervous system 蔡时青 王林翰
- Neural Development IV: Neural circuit formation and refinement 蒲慕明