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ORB-SLAM3: Minor adjustments for Ubuntu 20.04 Nov2022


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Noob Tutorial: Ubuntu 20.04 + ORB-SLAM3 + Ros Noetic + your own camera

Link to original ORB-SLAM3's

Link to thien94's Had already implemented many updates

Link to Mauhing's fork Other fixes, some incorporated here.

disclaimer: I started my journey in the world of Ubuntu and ROS May 2022 (i.e. a noob). These instructions are written mainly for myself as I learn. If in doubt (as you should be) follow this instead: shanpenghui

By following these instructions you will be able to run ORB SLAM 3 with ROS Noetic on a fresh install of Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS, publish your camera on a ros node and run SLAM on the included datasets.

In a future update this will also cover running SLAM on your own dataset, including calibration of your camera.

0. Things to consider (for noobs)

0.1 Update your system

Make sure your system is up to date. Open a terminal [ctrl + alt + t] and run

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
#restart if necessary

0.2 Create a new swap file (optional):

Some of the packages we are building require a certain amount of memory. If you are running Ubuntu in a virtual environment you should allocate 12Gb of memory to Ubuntu or install Ubuntu as a dual boot to give it all your RAM. If you only have say 8 Gb available I encourage you to follow these steps to increase your swap disk (think of it as fake RAM using HDD space) ask Ubuntu - increase Swap. I've pasted the commands here:

swapon --show

Disable and delete it:

sudo swapoff /swapfile  
sudo rm  /swapfile

Don't create a swap bigger than the amount of RAM available as this might cause issues. Do simple math: set swap to say 8Gb (8 * 1024 = 8192) or 16Gb (16 * 1024 = 16384).

#The following command will allocate 8Gb for swap:
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=8192

grant root permissions and format as swap:

sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile

Be patient, my machine froze for a while during this step.

sudo swapon /swapfile

and reboot for it to take effect. To verify repeat the top command


1. Install Dependencies

Run the following commands in terminal

sudo add-apt-repository "deb xenial-security main"
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential cmake git libgtk2.0-dev pkg-config libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev python-dev python-numpy libtbb2 libtbb-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev libdc1394-22-dev libjasper-dev libglew-dev libboost-all-dev libssl-dev
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev curl

1.1 Pangolin:

mkdir ~/Dev
cd ~/Dev
git clone
cd Pangolin
mkdir build && cd build

The source code is now on your machine and the following command will create building instructions based on dependencies listed in CMakeLists.txt (~/Dev/Pangolin/CMakeLists.txt)

cmake ..

The -j4 specifies how many jobs you would like to process simultaniously. If the build fails, try again with "-j1" before turning to google.

make -j4

If successful finish the installation by running:

sudo make install

1.2 OpenCV

Check the OpenCV version on your computer (required at leat 3.0 as stated in the original

python3 -c "import cv2; print(cv2.__version__)" 

On a freshly installed Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS with desktop image, OpenCV 4.2.0 is included so we can skip to the next step. If a newer version is required (>= 3.0), follow the instrucions:

For example, the main commands for OpenCV 4.4.0 (without CUDA):

cd ~/Dev
git clone
git -C opencv checkout 4.4.0
gedit ~/Dev/opencv/modules/videoio/src/cap_ffmpeg_impl.hpp

A script just opened, now add the following lines in the top:

#define AVFMT_RAWPICTURE 0x0020

Then continue as usual:

mkdir -p ~/Dev/opencv/build
cd ~/Dev/opencv/build
cmake ..
make -j4
sudo make install

2. Install ORB SLAM 3

Clone the repo like this:

cd ~/Dev
git clone ORB_SLAM3

Run the shell file containing several build commands.

chmod +x

3. Run examples

EuRoC datset:

Download datasets

cd ~
mkdir -p Datasets/EuRoC
cd Datasets/EuRoC/
wget -c
mkdir MH01
unzip -d MH01/

If you later intend to use ROS with the examples, just run this now to point it in the correct direction:

echo "export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=${ROS_PACKAGE_PATH}:~Dev/ORB_SLAM3/Examples_old/ROS" >> ~/.bashrc


if the following examples fail with something related to Pangolin. I got "./Examples/Monocular/mono_euroc: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" then go to the bottom of this README to find one possible solution:

Run in mono-inertial mode

cd ~/Dev/ORB_SLAM3
./Examples/Monocular-Inertial/mono_inertial_euroc ./Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt ./Examples/Monocular-Inertial/EuRoC.yaml ~/Datasets/EuRoC/MH01 ./Examples/Monocular-Inertial/EuRoC_TimeStamps/MH01.txt dataset-MH01_monoimu

Connect own event camera

For now I'm tweaking this:rpg_dvs_ros

Then learn how to calibrate your own camera: First publish a camera node in ros: Then Calibrate it:

Pangolin (fix only if broken):

This is a bit more advanced, but not impossible.

I ran into trouble running the dataset and received the same error described by someone else here: issue 399 First check if the path to your missing component is referenced in this: “/etc/" (follow and open the paths listed)

First try:

gedit /etc/

then run this to flush the cache (I guess)

sudo ldconfig

else: install homebrew:

if the library still is not working we can do this unsactioned move: homebrew install instruction I've pasted the [relevant] commands here (given you have completed the steps above): WARNING: If you google "use several package managers Linux" or simular, it comes out as a bad idea if you don't know what you're doing. So this seems like a risky move, but it worked for me (so far...).

sudo apt update
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

The above command may take a while Then tell the system about it's new package manager super skill:

eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

Check if all is okay

brew doctor


brew install gcc

package manger should now be installed

Have pangolin check dependencies

Now we can check dependencies of Pangolin using brew. If I understand this correctly this may override some of the installations you already have going, and migth lead to complex epic failures.

cd ~/Dev/Pangolin/
./scripts/ -m brew all

If it fails, try running it again. I had to run it twice.

cmake -B build
cmake --build build

Go back to Examples and try again.

thien94 ros addon have not tested yet.

Install ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04:

Install Noetc on Ubuntu

Install ROS drivers for Event camera:

Install guide Davis ++ drivers -includes setting up a catkin build workspace

Install ROS Wrapper

Orb Slam Wrapper


ORB-SLAM3: Minor adjustments for Ubuntu 20.04 Nov2022







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