simplistic node.js jasmine 3.1.x launcher, created to compensate the lack of jasmine 3 support in jamine-node
- you don't have to specify or create jasmine config file (you still can though)
- you can specify files or glob patterns as command line parameters
- nice console reporter included by default (jasmine-spec-reporter)
- you can export results as JUnit xml
- if no paths is provided, then it tries to autodetect your spec dir
Option a: install globally (-g
npm install -g jasme
jasme [--output=junit_xml_dir] [--noColor] [--boot=boot_script] [spec_mask...]
Option b: install for specific project:
npm install --save-dev jasme
node node_modules/jasme/run.js ...
# ... or for *nix ppl simply ...
node_modules/jasme/run.js ...
- noColor - disables ANSI color output
- output=... - generates junit xml output
- boot=... - runs a bootstrap script, where you can add helpers etc.
# Run all `*.js` files in given dir:
jasme tests/my_specs
# run only specific files using glob syntax (note the quotes!):
jasme 'tests/feature_a/**/*.*Spec.js' 'tests/feature_b/*Spec.js'
# run specs in a default dir and export result to "target" dir
jasme --output=target tests
# let jasme find my tests (in either "spec", "specs", "test" or "tests" dirs)