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XMR Metrics

Example setup to collect Monero related metrics using bash + InfluxDB and Grafana.

screenshoot Demo:

Prepare the system

In this article, I use : Ubuntu 18.04 for Grafana and InfluxDB.

Install Grafana (OSS Version)

If you already have Grafana, you can skip this step. For detailed installation guide on Debian based, please follow official installation guide.

Add stable Grafana OSS repository:

sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https
sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common wget curl
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/grafana.list

Install Grafana:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install grafana

Start Grafana service and make sure service is running (systemd):

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start grafana-server
sudo systemctl status grafana-server

To make Grafana server to start at boot:

sudo systemctl enable grafana-server.service

Install InfluxDB

Add the InfluxData repository:

echo "deb bionic stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdb.list
sudo curl -sL | sudo apt-key add -

Install InfluxDB:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install influxdb

Start InfluxDB service and make sure service is running (systemd):

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start influxdb
sudo systemctl status influxdb

To make InfluxDB server to start at boot:

sudo systemctl enable influxdb.service

Configure InfluxDB

Launch InfluxDB’s command line interface (influx)

influx -precision rfc3339

Once you’ve entered the shell and successfully connected to InfluxDB, create at least one InfluxDB admin user:


Change <YOUR_INFLUXDB_ADMIN_USER> and <YOUR_INFLUXDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD> with your desired username and password

Create database to store Monero Metrics:


Create non-admin user (for Grafana and bash script we use latter) and grant privileges to MoneroMetrics database:

CREATE USER grafana WITH PASSWORD 'some_password'
GRANT READ ON MoneroMetrics TO grafana

CREATE USER monero WITH PASSWORD 'some_password'
GRANT ALL ON MoneroMetrics TO monero

Enable authentication in your configuration file (/etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf) by setting the auth-enabled option to true in the [http] section:

Note: You might also need to disable queue limit and timeout by setting the max-enqueued-write-limit and enqueued-write-timeout to 0 in the [http] section.

Restart InfluxDB service

systemctl restart influxdb

Collect and storing metrics

In this article, there are 5 types of metric we will collect and store it to InfluxDB:

You can find all example files under examples directory.

All script written in bash, jq and curl package is required to run all of these script. In additional, and bc package is required to run

Make sure all bash script is executable and run them using cron job.

Node metrics

File: examples/bash/

If you run local or public Monero node, you can scrap monerod metrics using its rpc or restricted-rpc. Restrict RPC is view only commands and do not return privacy sensitive data in RPC calls. So, some data like *_connections_count, *_peerlist_size will return 0.

XMRig worker metrics

File: examples/bash/

In order to grab XMRig worker metrics, we need to enable XMRig HTTP API for each your XMRig devices. Eg:

    "api": {
        "id": null,
        "worker-id": null
    "http": {
        "enabled": true,
        "host": "i.i.i.i",
        "port": 54321,
        "access-token": "your password",
        "restricted": true

Pool metrics

File: examples/bash/

For now, only mining pool who use jtgrassie/monero-pool, Snipa22/nodejs-pool and SChernykh/p2pool backend is supported. Feel free to edit the script and add your favorite mining pool backend.

it's quite easy to find pool backend and usually each frontend design quite similar. For example:, using jtgrassie and, using snipa22.

Important About Pool Metrics:

You may doesn't need to grab Network Difficulty and Network Height data from your mining pool server, especially those who use nodejs-pool by Snipa22. This because we need to fetch one additional API request to the server and may cause DOS effect on high traffic pool.

Avoid doing that by comment out NetworkInfo=$(curl -s ${POOLPARAMS[1]}/network/stats ... and remove NetDiff=$NetworkDiff and NetHeight=$NetworkHeight InfluxDB data post. Eg:

curl -i -XPOST '' -u monero:some_password --data-binary "PoolInfo,Node=${POOLPARAMS[0]} PoolHR=$PoolHR,RoundHR=$RoundHashes,LastBlock=$LastBlockFound,BlockFound=$PoolBlockFound,CountMiners=$ConnectedMiners,MyHashrate=$MinerHashrate,MyBalance=$MinerBalance"

Coin Exchange metrics

Files: examples/bash/ and examples/bash/

If you like to add coin price, market, etc, you can use your favorite exchange API. In this example, I use Indodax API as my local currency exchange. You may create your own script to do that. Some exchange like Kraken provide an example API client, but if you like to use simple bash script, you can take a look into examples/bash/

Create the dashboard

After all data is collected, lets create the Grafana dashboard. We need to add our InfluxDB data source first. Login to Grafana > Configuration > Data Sources > Add Data Source and choose InfluxDB. Leave Query Language to default (InfluxQL)

In the HTTP section, fill URL to your InfluxDB server.

In InfluxDB Details section, fill your database access details:

Database: MoneroMetrics
User: grafana
Password: your_configured_password

InfluxDB example setting

Save and Test.

Now you can create your Monero dashboard. You may export my dashboard template from the demo site by clicking share icon.

grafana share button

Note: In order to use my dashboard, you may need to install Blendstat panel plugin.

Resources and Credits

If you want to create data scraping using your desired programming language, feel free to create a pull request.