- Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia.
- in/anditorizkyka
- ditorizkyka_
- https://ditorizkyka.github.io/Portofolio/
- Pro
MedPelvis Mobile is an educational app that explores the pelvis, childbirth mechanisms, upper limbs, and lower limbs through videos, detailed descriptions, visualizations, and GIF illustrations.
This is my second portfolio website, built with React for a more dynamic and modern experience. It showcases my latest projects, skills, and achievements, reflecting my growth and expertise as a de…
Pollusafe is an Air Quality monitoring app, that provides information about the Air Quality Index in your area! The main purpose of this app is to give alert to other people in the city with their …
A website to show up my interests, skills, and projects that i created before.
KuizKuy! is an app that provides many interesting questions about general knowledge. KuizKuy! has a mission to provide as much knowledge as possible
Suit Game! you will be play with computer with your own choices. Scissors? Paper? or rock?, decide your choices and beat the computer!