Unofficial Laravel Package to use the REST API.
This Laravel Package is a very basic and untested version!
composer require divdax/easybill
No need to register any providers / aliases. Thanks to Laravels Package Discovery.
Add the ServiceProvider and Facade in config/app.php
'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
'Easybill' => DivDax\Easybill\Facade\Easybill::class,
Add your api key to your .env
I only implemented some basic api calls
// Search Customer with exact match
'company_name' => 'Company Name'
// Create Customer
$customer = Easybill::createCustomer([
'company_name' => 'Musterfirma GmbH',
'first_name' => 'Max',
'last_name' => 'Muster',
'street' => 'Musterstr. 123',
'zipcode' => '12345',
'city' => 'Musterstadt',
'emails' => ['[email protected]'],
// Delete Customer
// Create Document (Invoice)
$doc = Easybill::createDocument([
'type' => 'INVOICE',
'title' => 'Titel',
//'customer_id' => 0,
'text_prefix' => 'Hello',
'text' => 'Bye',
'items' => [
'type' => 'POSITION',
'number' => '123', // article number
'description' => 'Positionsbeschreibung 1',
'quantity' => 1,
'single_price_net' => 10 * 100, // cent
'vat_percent' => 19
'type' => 'TEXT',
'description' => 'Text only',
'type' => 'POSITION',
'description' => 'Positionsbeschreibung 3',
'quantity' => 1,
'single_price_net' => 20 * 100,
'vat_percent' => 19
// Finish Document (set auto created document number)
// Update Document
Easybill::updateDocument($id, ['status' => 'DONE']);
If you find an issue, or have a better way to do something, feel free to open an issue or a pull request.