This demo renders a shaded ocean surface generated using the Tessendorf FFT method [1].
The ocean surface extends to the horizon, which is achieved by projecting a screen-space grid onto the ocean plane. The projected grid points are then modified by the FFT-generated displacement map. This demo uses clFFT, so FFT computation runs on the GPU.
The demo expects the kernels, shaders and textures directories (along with their contents) to be present in the working directory of the executable. The textures directory has to contain a file named sky.png (see textures/sky.txt). One possible sky box which looks good can be found here (as of 20-Feb-2016):
The camera can be rotated by pressing the left mouse button and dragging.
The settings, such as FFT size, projected grid size, MSAA sample count and max texture anisotropy, are compiled in, an can be modified by editing src/main.cpp.
In order to build and run the demo, the following open-source libraries are needed:
- clFFT
- DevIL
- GLM (build only)
- OpenCL >= 1.2 (with cl_khr_gl_sharing extension)
- OpenGL >= 4.0 (with GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic extension)
- SDL2
- SDL2_ttf
ImGui is also a dependency, but it is included as a submodule. Clone with --recursive.
Currently only Windows and Linux are supported (read: developed and tested on a single particular windows configuration and run once a couple of years ago on linux with another configuration).
A binary release for Win64 is available via
[1] Tessendorf, J., 2001. Simulating ocean water. Simulating Nature: Realistic and Interactive Techniques. SIGGRAPH, 1(2), p.5.