- django-inplaceedit-extra-fields
- Information
- Requirements
- Demo (this video use a very old version of django-inplaceedit and django-inplaceedit-extra-fields)
- Installation
- Why these fields are not in django-inplaceedit?
- AdaptorAutoCompleteForeingKeyField and AdaptorAutoCompleteManyToManyField
- AdaptorImageThumbnailField
- AdaptorTinyMCEField and AdaptorSimpleTinyMCEField
- Testing
- Development
django-inplaceedit-extra-fields is a Django application that adds other useful fields to django-inplaceedit .
It is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
- django-inplaceedit (>= 1.4.1)
And other packages, depending on which fields you want to use (see below).
Video Demo, of django-inplaceedit, django-inplaceedit-extra-fields and django-inlinetrans (Set full screen mode to view it correctly)

After installing django-inplaceedit egg
INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.sites', 'django.contrib.admin', #.....................# 'inplaceeditform', 'inplaceeditform_extra_fields', )
If you want to overwrite the adaptors for all cases in your project:
ADAPTOR_INPLACEEDIT = {'textarea': 'inplaceeditform_extra_fields.fields.AdaptorTinyMCEField', #'textarea': 'inplaceeditform_extra_fields.fields.AdaptorSimpleTinyMCEField', 'image': 'inplaceeditform_extra_fields.fields.AdaptorImageThumbnailField', 'fk': 'inplaceeditform_extra_fields.fields.AdaptorAutoCompleteForeingKeyField', 'm2mcomma': 'inplaceeditform_extra_fields.fields.AdaptorAutoCompleteManyToManyField'}
If you want, you can register these fields in your settings with different keys:
ADAPTOR_INPLACEEDIT = {'auto_fk': 'inplaceeditform_extra_fields.fields.AdaptorAutoCompleteForeingKeyField', 'auto_m2m': 'inplaceeditform_extra_fields.fields.AdaptorAutoCompleteManyToManyField', 'image_thumb': 'inplaceeditform_extra_fields.fields.AdaptorImageThumbnailField', 'tiny': 'inplaceeditform_extra_fields.fields.AdaptorTinyMCEField', 'tiny_simple': 'inplaceeditform_extra_fields.fields.AdaptorSimpleTinyMCEField'}
And after that, to want use a specific adaptor you can pass it to the templatetag, e.g.:
{% inplace_edit "content.field_name" adaptor="tiny" %}
- They depend on the other eggs
- They are a specific solution
- These do not work immediately, you have to code them
These fields depend on django-ajax-selects (1.3.6). You have to create a channel (lookup)
{% inplace_edit "content.field_name" adaptor="auto_fk", lookup="my_lookup" %}
For more info, visit the doc of django-ajax-selects
It is recomended you overwrite the following templates:
This field depends on sorl-thumbnail (12.3). You just need to specify the thumb size.
{% inplace_edit "content.field_name" adaptor="image_thumb", size="16x16" %}
It can help you, configure in your settings:
For more info, visit the doc of sorl-thumbnail
{% inplace_edit "content.field_name" adaptor="tiny" %} or {% inplace_edit "content.field_name" adaptor="tiny_simple" %}
We use tinyMCE 4.0 without changes (from django-inplaceedit-extra-fields==0.3.0), if you want to use another version (4.X) of tinyMCE set INPLACE_TINYMCE_JS in your settings.
INPLACE_TINYMCE_JS = '/my/path/of/tinyMCE'
If you want to use a tinyMCE 3.X, please use django-inplaceedit-extra-fields==0.2.4
You can test it with the testing project of django-inplaceedit or with the testing project of django-inplaceedit-bootstrap
You can get the bleeding edge version of django-inplaceedit-extra-fields by doing a clone of its repository:
git clone [email protected]:django-inplaceedit/django-inplaceedit-extra-fields.git