Tags: dkalwat/ESPresense
Groundwork for ESPresense#53 (ESPresense#67) - Potientaly breaking: room name is now lower cased, trimmed, and all whitespace replaced with underscores when put into mqtt (ESPresense#64) - ANSI Colors Added to Serial - Close/Left totally rewritten to find stuff quickly (uses NO filtering) - Serial display for 'New' waits for 2nd packet before showing - One Euro filter reoptimized to work for slow broadcasters (Tiles) as well as it previously did for quick (Phones/Watches) - All time measurement made wraparound protected - Make Arduino OTA disabled by default, but a setting - Add a calibration section of settings with lots of knobs to twiddle - Ignore microsoft and non Nearby Info apple packets (they are useless for tracking atm) - Delete old fingerprints after configurable max age instead of waiting for MAX MACS and deleting the oldest