Project created by Daniel Kravec, on June 20th 2021.
The Fibonacci Sequence is found by adding up the last 2 numbers calucated.
- 1 + 1 = 2
- 1 + 2 = 3
- 2 + 3 = 5
- 3 + 5 = 8, etc.
There are 3 types of data returned.
- Returns all the results in one single json file, plus returns previous 2 numbers to create the current result.
- Returns just the results in one single json file.
./answer/all/(current) (result).json
- Returns the results in seperate json files for each result, plus previous 2 numbers to create the current result.
- Current is the amount of numbers the sequence currently has saved in order.
Gives you as many numbers of the sequence as possible. (Average of 1474 results per single run)
Enable different testing modes. Find more information: Testing Modes
You must have node installed on your computer.
In terminal go to the path where the project folder is located.
Type in the command "node .
" in the termnial, making sure it has the correct path.
The results will go in ./answer
once completed.
Use this web package located in add later
Use one of 2 built in functions.
How to use javascript file:
You must have the download the script, and add the script locally from your website's files.
Make sure to add a script tag to your html file's head linking the file.
<script src="./scriptpath/fibseq.js"defer></script>
View an example:
html page: html example
javascript file: javascript example
callback: allResults()
- returns entire sequence in an array
callback: indexArray(number) returns the index in sequence for the number(s) input
- usage: indexArray(number / array)
- indexArray(3)
- returns: 3
- indexArray(5)
- returns: 8
There are 3 built in testing modes
- Testing logs -> Adds console logs for current.
- Testing loops -> Loops code for batch testing.
- Tested with 10,3854 run with use of fibonacci function 153,392,343 times.
- Fibonacci logs -> Adds a console log for each time the fibonacci log is ran.
Add console logs, showing what code is currently doing.
Current line 2: testModes.json
"testingLogs" : false,
Change to:
"testingLogs" : true,
Loop code to test command at large, repeating itself.
Current line 3: testModes.json
"testingLoop" : false,
Change to:
"testingLoop" : true,
Console log all cacluations made by the fibonacci sequence.
Fibonacci logs looks like:
[current amount of runs by function] - [amount runs sequence] | [result] | [second last number] | [last number]
Current line 4: testModes.json
"fibonacciLogs" : false
Change to:
"fibonacciLogs" : true