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Refactor SimulateData and move it to +sim subpackage
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dmalt committed Feb 28, 2020
1 parent 176b1ef commit 52a7795
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Showing 2 changed files with 76 additions and 148 deletions.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions +ups/+sim/PrepareTestForward.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
function HM = PrepareTestForward(GainSVDTh)
if nargin < 1
GainSVDTh = 0;
HM_path = which('GLowRes.mat');
file_struct = load(HM_path);
ChUsed = ups.PickElectaChannels('grad');
G2d = ups.ReduceToTangentSpace(file_struct.GLowRes.Gain(ChUsed,:));
if GainSVDTh
[HM.gain, HM.UP] = ups.ReduceSensorSpace(G2d, GainSVDTh);
HM.gain = G2d;
HM.UP = eye(size(G2d, 1));
HM.path = HM_path;
HM.svdThresh = GainSVDTh;
HM.GridLoc = file_struct.GLowRes.GridLoc;
206 changes: 58 additions & 148 deletions +ups/SimulateData.m → +ups/+sim/SimulateData.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
function [HM, CrossSpecTime, Trials, Ctx, XYZGenOut] = SimulateData(PhaseLag, nTr, GainSVDTh, InducedScale, EvokedScale, isUseCache)
function [HM, CrossSpecTime, Trials, Ctx, XYZGenOut] = SimulateData(PhaseLag, nTr, GainSVDTh, InducedScale, EvokedScale, jitter)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Generate forward model and cross-spectrum on sensors for simulations
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% [HM, CrossSpecTime, Trials, Ctx, XYZGenOut] = SimulateData(PhaseLag, nTr, GainSVDTh, InducedScale, EvokedScale, isUseCache)
% [HM, CrossSpecTime, Trials, Ctx, XYZGenOut] = SimulateData(PhaseLag, nTr, GainSVDTh, InducedScale, EvokedScale, jitter)
% PhaseLag - phase lag for simulations
% nTr - scalar; number of trials
% nTr - scalar; number of trials;
% default=100
% GainSVDTh - scalar; PVU threshold for sensors dimensionality reduction
% default = 0.001
% InducedScale - coefficient for induced activity (default = 0.35)
% EvokedScale - coefficient for evoked activity (default = 0)
% isUseCache - boolean; if true use cached data
% default = true
% jitter - float in range [0, 2]; default = 0.2
% jitter to add to PhaseLag; actual phase lag for
% each epoch equals PhaseLag + jitter * (rand - 0.5) * pi
% HM_ps - structure; forward model operator
% for reduced sensor space and additional
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% --------- set up defaults --------- %
if nargin < 6
isUseCache = true;
jitter = 0.2;
if nargin < 5
EvokedScale = 0.;
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% but produces less contrasting subcorr scans
% for a more reliable preformance use 0.01
% to get all the sensor on board but be ready to wait;
GainSVDTh = 0.001 ;
GainSVDTh = 0.001;

if nargin < 2
nTr = 100;
% ----------------------------------- %

% ---- check if cache folder is there --- %
% ----------if no - create one ---------- %
fname = mfilename('fullpath');
mpath = fileparts(fname);
cache_fold = [mpath, '/../Simulations_cache'];
if ~exist(cache_fold, 'dir')
cache_fname = ...
'pl_', num2str(PhaseLag), ...
'_ntr_', num2str(nTr), ...
'_gsvdth_', num2str(GainSVDTh), ...
'_is_', num2str(InducedScale), ...
'_es_', num2str(EvokedScale)
cache_fname = [cache_fold, '/', cache_fname, '.mat'];

% --------------------------------------- %

if exist(cache_fname, 'file') && isUseCache
phi = PhaseLag;
% GainSVDTh = 0.001; /
NetworkPairIndex{1} = [1,2];
NetworkPairIndex{2} = [1,2,3];
%% Load forward model and reduce it
% load reduced forward model (GLowRes)
HM_path = which('GLowRes.mat');
% get grid node locations
Rloc = GLowRes.GridLoc;
% set to use gradiometers only
ChUsed = PickElectaChannels('grad');
% calculate tangential plane dipoles
[~, nSites] = size(GLowRes.Gain(ChUsed, 1:3:end));

% ---------------------------------------------------- %
Dmax = 0.02;
NPI = NetworkPairIndex{2};
XYZGen = 1.3 * [ 0.05, 0.04, 0.05;
0.05, -0.04, 0.05;
-0.05, 0.04, 0.05;
-0.05, -0.04, 0.05;
0.00, 0.05, 0.06;
0.00, -0.05, 0.06];
[allnw, nw1, nw2, nw3] = FindEffSources(Dmax, Rloc, XYZGen, NPI);
effSites = unique([allnw(:,1); allnw(:,2)]);
effSites(effSites == 0) = nSites;
% ----------------------------------------------------- %

G2d = ReduceToTangentSpace(GLowRes.Gain(ChUsed,:));
% -------------- reduce sensor space -------------- %
if GainSVDTh
[ug, ~, ~] = spm_svd(G2d * G2d', GainSVDTh);
UP = ug';
G2dU = UP * G2d;
G2dU = G2d;
UP = eye(size(G2d,1));
% ------------------------------------------------- %

% ---- produce output for head model ------- %
HM.gain = G2dU;
HM.path = HM_path;
HM.svdThresh = GainSVDTh;
HM.GridLoc = GLowRes.GridLoc;
% ------------------------------------------ %

% G2dU = G2dU_full([100000 : 250000, 680000:1130000]);
% PHI = [pi / 20 pi / 2];
it = 1;
% for phi = PHI
% phi = PHI(1);
%% Data simulation
if(it == 1)
% we will use the same phase shifts in the second and subsequent
% iterations. We will store the random phases in PhaseShifts
[Evoked, Induced, BrainNoise, Ctx, ~, ~, ~, ~, XYZGenOut] = ...
SimulateDataPhase(nTr, NetworkPairIndex{2}, phi, true, [], XYZGen);
% and use PhaseShits from the first iteration
[Evoked, Induced, BrainNoise, Ctx, ~, ~, ~, ~, XYZGenOut] = ...
SimulateDataPhase(nTr, NetworkPairIndex{2}, phi, false, PhaseShifts, XYZGen);
% mix noise and data
% in order to control SNR we first normalize norm(BrainNoise(:)) = 1 and
% norm(Induced(:)) = 1 and then mix the two with the coefficient
Data0 = InducedScale * Induced + EvokedScale * Evoked + BrainNoise ;
clear Induced;
clear Evoked;
[bf, af] = butter(5, [2, 20] / (0.5 * 500));
% Filter in the band of interest
Data = filtfilt(bf,af,Data0')';
clear Data0;
% Noise = filtfilt(bf, af, BrainNoise')';
% Data_clear = filtfilt(bf, af, InducedScale * Induced')';
%% Reshape the data in a 3D structure(Space x Time x Epochs)
[~, Tcnt] = size(Data);
T = fix(Tcnt / nTr);
nCh = size(UP, 1);
%reshape Data and store in a 3D array X
X1 = zeros(nCh, T, nTr);
% N1 = zeros(nCh, T, nTr);
% N2 = zeros(nCh, T, nTr);
range = 1:T;
for i=1:nTr
X1(:,:,i) = UP * Data(:,range);
% N1(:,:,i) = UP * Noise(:,range);
% N2(:,:,i) = UP * Data_clear(:,range);
range = range + T;
Trials = X1;
%% Calculate band cross-spectral matrix
CrossSpecTime = CrossSpectralTimeseries(X1);
% CrossSpecNoise = CrossSpectralTimeseries(N1);
% CrossSpecClData = CrossSpectralTimeseries(N2);
% C = reshape(mean(CrossSpecTime{it},2),nCh,nCh);

% %% Experiment with different methods
% [~, T] = size(CrossSpecTime);
% M = ProjOut(CrossSpecTime, G2dU) ;
% M_noiseonly = ProjOut(CrossSpecNoise, G2dU);
% Data_clear_p = ProjOut(CrossSpecClData, G2dU);
% it = it + 1;
% end
save(cache_fname, 'HM', 'CrossSpecTime', 'Trials', 'Ctx', '-v7.3');
phi = PhaseLag;
NetworkPairIndex{1} = [1, 2];
NetworkPairIndex{2} = [1, 2, 3];
%% Load forward model and reduce it

% ---------------------------------------------------- %
XYZGen = 1.3 * [ 0.05, 0.04, 0.05;
0.05, -0.04, 0.05;
-0.05, 0.04, 0.05;
-0.05, -0.04, 0.05;
0.00, 0.05, 0.06;
0.00, -0.05, 0.06];
% ----------------------------------------------------- %
HM = ups.sim.PrepareTestForward(GainSVDTh);

%% Data simulation
[Evoked, Induced, BrainNoise, Ctx, ~, ~, ~, ~, XYZGenOut] = ...
SimulateDataPhase(nTr, NetworkPairIndex{2}, phi, true, [], XYZGen, jitter);
% mix noise and data
% in order to control SNR we first normalize norm(BrainNoise(:)) = 1 and
% norm(Induced(:)) = 1 and then mix the two with the coefficient
Data0 = InducedScale * Induced + EvokedScale * Evoked + BrainNoise;
clear Induced;
clear Evoked;
[bf, af] = butter(5, [2, 20] / (0.5 * 500)); % TODO
% Filter in the band of interest
Data = filtfilt(bf, af, Data0')';
clear Data0;
%% Reshape the data in a 3D structure(Space x Time x Epochs)
[~, Tcnt] = size(Data);
T = fix(Tcnt / nTr);
nCh = size(HM.UP, 1);
%reshape Data and store in a 3D array X
Trials = zeros(nCh, T, nTr);
range = 1:T;
for i=1:nTr
Trials(:,:,i) = HM.UP * Data(:,range);
range = range + T;
%% Calculate band cross-spectral matrix
CrossSpecTime = CrossSpectralTimeseries(Trials);


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function [Evoked, Induced, BrainNoise, Ctx, SensorNoise, G2d, R, Fs, XYZGenOut, Ggen, PhaseShiftsOut] = SimulateDataPhase(nTr, NetworkPairIndex, dPhi, bNewBrainNoise, PhaseShiftsIn, XYZGen, alpha_in)
function [Evoked, Induced, BrainNoise, Ctx, SensorNoise, G2d, R, Fs, XYZGenOut, Ggen, PhaseShiftsOut] = SimulateDataPhase(nTr, NetworkPairIndex, dPhi, bNewBrainNoise, PhaseShiftsIn, XYZGen, jitter)
% -------------------------------------------------------
% Generate evoked and induced activity and project it on
% sensors with forward operator Ggen
Expand All @@ -295,16 +206,15 @@
bUsePhases = ~isempty(PhaseShiftsIn);

if(nargin < 7)
alpha = 1.;
alpha = 0.2;
alpha = alpha_in;
alpha = jitter;

ISD = load('InputData4Simulations.mat');
ISD.Channels = load('channel_vectorview306.mat');
Ctx = ISD.Ctx;

if(nargin == 0)
bNewBrainNoise = true; % whether or not to generate new brain noise
Expand All @@ -325,7 +235,7 @@
d = sum(d .* d, 2);
[~, ind] = min(d);
XYZGenAct(i,:) = R(ind,:);
Ggen(:,i) = G2d(:,ind * 2 - 1); % take the first dipole in the tangent plane
Ggen(:, i) = G2d(:, ind * 2 - 1); % take the first dipole in the tangent plane
GenInd(i) = ind;
% 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 %
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a = a / norm(a(:));
induced = induced + a;
induced = induced/sqrt(sum((induced(:).^2)));
induced = induced / sqrt(sum((induced(:) .^ 2)));
Induced(:, range) = induced;

evoked = Ggen(:,[2,4]) * e;
evoked = evoked/sqrt(sum(evoked(:).^2));
evoked = Ggen(:, [2,4]) * e;
evoked = evoked / sqrt(sum(evoked(:).^2));
Evoked(:, range) = evoked;

Expand All @@ -445,11 +355,11 @@
brainnoise = BN.BrainNoise(:, range);

brainnoise = brainnoise/sqrt(sum((brainnoise(:).^2)));
brainnoise = brainnoise / sqrt(sum((brainnoise(:) .^ 2)));
BrainNoise(:, range) = brainnoise;

sensornoise = randn(size(brainnoise));
sensornoise = sensornoise/sqrt(sum((sensornoise(:).^2)));
sensornoise = sensornoise/sqrt(sum((sensornoise(:) .^ 2)));
SensorNoise(:, range) = sensornoise;
range = range + T;

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