- Computer Science graduate from Hadassah College, Jerusalem - Israel
- Practical Engineer graduate from ORT College, Jerusalem - Israel
const david = {
pronouns: "He" | "Him",
code: ["Javascript", "Typescript", "Python", "Java", "C/C++"],
askMeAbout: ["webdev", "tech", "music", "mathematics", "research"],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
js: ["React", "Angular"],
css: ["bootstrap", "mui-material"]
backEnd: {
js: ["Node.js", "Express"],
java: ["Spring Boot", "Spring Cloud", "Eureka", "API Gateway"]
databases: ["MySQL", "SQLite", "NoSQL", "PostgreSQL", "MongoDB"],
messaging: ["Kafka"],
machineLearning: ["Deep Learning", "Tensorflow Keras"]
architecture: ["Microservices Architecture",
"Serverless Architecture",
"Progressive web applications",
"Single page applications"],
Courier-App - A full-stack application developed with Spring Boot Cloud, Eureka, API Gateway, Kafka for the backend, and React with TypeScript for the frontend. This project includes features for user management, branch management, and order processing, catering to roles like admin, courier, and client.
Store Book - Java Spring website to manager and sell books.
- Forecast Weather - SPA website to display 7-day weather forecast using the 7timer API, React and Boostrap.
- Nasa Mars - Browse NASA Mars images and save your preferred ones, using JavaScript, HTML, Boostrap, SQLite, Node.js and Express.
- Super Mario Kart - This project combines technologies we learned during the object-oriented programming course (C++ and SFML) as well as technologies we learned independently (JavaScript and Firebase).