docker pull drosedev/rosessolarapi:1.5
Raspberry Pi
docker pull drosedev/rosessolarapi:1.5-bullseye-slim-arm32v7
Environment Variable | Example | Description |
FOXESSCONFIGURATION__IPADDRESS | addme | The IP address on the LAN for local USR device. Currently not used to set battery charging. |
FOXESSCONFIGURATION__USERNAME | addme | Your FoxCloud username |
FOXESSCONFIGURATION__PASSWORDMD5HASH | addme1234567890addme | Lower-case MD5 hash of your FoxCloud password |
FOXESSCONFIGURATION__SERIALNUMBER | 66xxxxaddme | OPTIONAL - Your Fox inverter serial number (required for FoxCloud battery API calls). Providing this speedsup API calls as we don't have to internally read the device list from the cloud) |
FOXESSCONFIGURATION__CLOUDDEVICEID | a234567a-dabc-4510-1234-e61ac52f4dv2 | OPTIONAL - Your Fox inverter device ID GUID from the address bar of Fox Cloud portal (required for FoxCloud battery API calls). Providing this speedsup API calls as we don't have to internally read the device list from the cloud) |
TZ | Europe/London | Required so force charging starts at the correct local time |
Internal to the container the service runs on port 80. You can map this internal port to whatever you want with bridged networking on your Docker host.
Swagger UI for testing available at http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/swagger/
Force charge (stop discharge) but don't charge from grid (from now until 23:59)
POST http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Cloud/ForceChargeForTodayTimePeriod1?enableGridCharging=false
Force charge now from grid (from now until 23:59)
POST http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Cloud/ForceChargeForTodayTimePeriod1?enableGridCharging=true
Force charge all day from grid (from 00:01 until 23:59)
POST http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Cloud/ForceChargeAllTodayTimePeriod1?enableGridCharging=true
Stop force charging
POST http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Cloud/DisableForceChargeTimePeriod1
Work Mode
POST http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Cloud/WorkMode/SelfUse
POST http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Cloud/WorkMode/Backup
POST http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Cloud/WorkMode/FeedIn
Set both battery minimum state of charge values at once
POST http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Cloud/SetBothBatteryMinSoC?minSoc=10&minSocGrid=10
Query battery status using RS485 device
GET http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxEss/Local/BatteryConfiguration
Set battery minimum state of charge
POST http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Local/SetBatteryMinSoC?percentage=10
Set battery minimum state of charge when on-grid
POST http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Local/SetBatteryMinGridSoC?percentage=10
Hold current state of charge in battery (on-grid)
POST http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Local/SetBatteryMinGridSoCToCurrentSoc
Set both battery minimum state of charge values at once
POST http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Local/SetBothBatteryMinSoC?minSoc=10&minSocGrid=10
# Control of FOX ESS battery via Roses.SolarAPI
url: http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Local/SetBatteryMinGridSoCToCurrentSoc
method: POST
accept: "application/json"
user-agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 {{ useragent }}'
url: http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Local/SetBatteryMinGridSoC?percentage=10
method: POST
accept: "application/json"
user-agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 {{ useragent }}'
url: http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Cloud/ForceChargeForTodayTimePeriod1?enableGridCharging=true
method: POST
accept: "application/json"
user-agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 {{ useragent }}'
url: http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Cloud/DisableForceChargeTimePeriod1
method: POST
accept: "application/json"
user-agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 {{ useragent }}'
url: http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Cloud/WorkMode/SelfUse
method: POST
accept: "application/json"
user-agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 {{ useragent }}'
url: http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Cloud/WorkMode/Backup
method: POST
accept: "application/json"
user-agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 {{ useragent }}'
url: http://dockerhost-ip:mappedport/FoxESS/Cloud/WorkMode/FeedIn
method: POST
accept: "application/json"
user-agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 {{ useragent }}'