University of Pisa
- Pisa, Italy
- www.linkedin.com/in/donato-meoli
- Pro
Darwin/macOS emulation layer for Linux
Run macOS VM in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X Security Research! Docker mac Containers.
RAPTOR: RAPid and Robust Trajectory Optimization for Robots
Optimization of Energy Communities in Julia
Implementation of SDDP (Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming) using the StructJuMP modeling interface
Official GitHub repository for netCDF-C libraries and utilities.
Official GitHub repository for netCDF-C++ libraries and utilities.
a small build system with a focus on speed
C++ Library Manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS
PyPSA-Eur: A Sector-Coupled Open Optimisation Model of the European Energy System
Exercises for the Deep Learning textbook at www.deeplearningbook.org
Reference BLEU implementation that auto-downloads test sets and reports a version string to facilitate cross-lab comparisons
Open-source C++ implementation of the recently proposed online active set strategy
neural machine translator for the Sicilian language
Sum-Product Network learning routines in python
Spinaceto is a minimalistic beamer theme with a typographic accent
new mail system tray notification icon for Thunderbird
Graph Neural Networks with Keras and Tensorflow 2.
Unsupervised Word Segmentation for Neural Machine Translation and Text Generation
Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python.
Sequence-to-sequence framework with a focus on Neural Machine Translation based on PyTorch