- Boston, MA
- https://danielharrington.me/
- in/dmharrington03
Github Pages template for academic personal websites, forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes
Python control and optimization of DMD for Sr linear gradient potential
Qiskit is an open-source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of extended quantum circuits, operators, and primitives.
Hackathon Submission for Yale Quantum Computing Hackathon, April 13th to April 14th, 2024
Python package for visualizing the loss landscape of parameterized quantum algorithms.
A collection of Jupyter notebooks showing how to use the Qiskit SDK
Reconstructing quantum states with generative models
A collection of Jupyter notebooks developed by the community showing how to use Qiskit
Neural Network Many-Body Wavefunction Reconstruction
Curated list of open-source quantum software projects.
This is the repository for https://quantumalgorithms.org
A fully compliant RISC-V computer made inside the game Terraria
General Purpose 8 Qubit Optical Quantum Computer
Everforest Color Scheme for Visual Studio Code
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
Resources for Tufts SEDS Python astrophysics workshop
A thread-safe disk based persistent queue in Python
Collection of persistent (disk-based) and non-persistent (memory-based) queues for Python
GNU Radio β the Free and Open Software Radio Ecosystem
dmharrington03 / tufts-srt
Forked from MITHaystack/srt-pyInterface and Control Software for Tufts University's Small Radio Telescope (SRT)
free finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) software for electromagnetic simulations
Software defined radio receiver powered by GNU Radio and Qt.
Read, write, and interact with data in the Digital RF and Digital Metadata formats