Instead of using usual base64 coding:
echo -n "mysecretvalue" | base64
hashsc simplifies this to:
hashsc "mysecretvalue"
although you still can use it the old way, so that hashsc is won't break compatibility wiht base64:
echo -n "mysecretvalue" | hashsc
With hashsc you can echo multiple strings to encode into secrets:
$ echo "secret1\nsecret2" | hashsc --ml
base64 will give you one output of whole string:
$ echo "secret1\nsecret2" | base64
still you can use hashsc style for usability (position of --ml is not stricted to start of command):
$ hashsc --ml "secret1\nsecret2"
curl -L -s https://github.com/dmitrychaban/hashsc/releases/download/v0.5.0/hashsc-v0_5_0-ubuntu.tar.xz | sudo tar -xJf - -C /usr/bin/
curl -L -s https://github.com/dmitrychaban/hashsc/releases/download/v0.5.0/hashsc-v0_5_0-macos.tar.gz | tar -xJf - -C /usr/local/bin/
hashsc currently doesn't support decoding, even though it is simple feature, it wasn't included in this release. Please star to catalyse this project, or even better, contribute to it.
- Decoding of base64
- Multiline support for decoding
- Multiline custom delimiter support
- Output in different formats e.g JSON, XML, YAML
- Key-value output into formats
- Key supply for values
- Generation of Kubernetes secret from key-value inputs
- Decoding from Kubernetes secret file
- Commenting secret hashes with decoded value
If you're using zsh, hashsc can be faster called with hsc and then TAB.