markdown-simplechem Public
Markdown extension to write simple chemical equations conveniently
minkovski-ca Public
Simulator for cellular automata defined on regular lattices on Minkovski plane
texturesynth Public
Experiments with histogram-based texture sysnthesys by example
Rust UpdatedSep 3, 2020 -
tsp-solver Public
Travelling Salesman Problem solver in pure Python + some visualizers
crashrpt2 Public
Forked from CrashRpt/crashrpt2Crashrpt fixes and new features collected from various places
C++ BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 3, 2020 -
hyperbolic-ca-simulator Public
Simulator of cellular automata on hyperbolic (Lobachevsky) plane, in browser.
fft-image-experiments Public
Experiments with applying Fourier transofrms to various plane-filling curves and patterns
js-revca Public
Reversible cellular automata simulator in HTML5 + Java Script.
knuth_bendix Public
Knuth-Bendix algorithm implementation for finitely generated groups, in Python.
pylinprog Public
Pure Python implementation of Simplex Method for Linear Programming problem
ark Public
Forked from Camr0n/arkA static website generator in Python.
Python The Unlicense UpdatedFeb 21, 2016 -
geometric-median Public
Merge multiple images, using pixelwise geometric median.
Python Other UpdatedJun 18, 2015 -
arithmetic-hide-and-seek Public
Proof-pof-concept code tthat impelements Angel's algorightm from the "Arithmetic hide and seek" problem
Python Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedMay 25, 2015 -
singlerot-smooth Public
"Single Rotation" cellular automaton demonstration with Lanczos smoothing
babushkin_arch Public
An implementation of the rational approximation encoding algorithm ("Babushkin compression")
libeuler Public
A small library of number-theoretic fucntions, written during solving Euler quest.
Pentagrid Public
Cellular automation simulator on hyperbolic plane
log-zoom Public
Transform images to logarithmic polar coordinates, and create composite images from the sequence of zooms.
ca-freq-colorizer Public
Use frequency analysys to make colorful animations from binary cellular automata
t2dca Public
Exploring cellular automata with 2 dimensions of time
speedread Public
Speed reading application with smart alignment rules and adjustable scheduling. Java+Swing.
pick-geometry Public
CLI program to query user coordinates of a rectangle on a image
fibsums Public
Python-Sympy code for calculating sums of powers of Fibonacci numbers
Python UpdatedJul 11, 2013 -
jsgif Public
Forked from antimatter15/jsgifSave a HTML5 Canvas to GIF and Animations. A port of as3gif GIFPlayer to JS
JavaScript UpdatedMay 20, 2013