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PHP5 RJson Version 1.0.2

Copyright (c) 2013, Dmitri Russu [email protected] RJson return compact recursive data Array or Object Array by Algorithm Dmytro Dogadailo [email protected].

=== Compress Array data and Json data until 60%!


How begin to use PHP RJSON example:

    $data = //Your recursive Array data;
    $pack = RJson::pack($data);
    $unpack = RJson::unpack($pack);

How begin to use JavaScript RJSON example:

    data = //jason packedge from php;
    unpack = RJSON.unpack(data);
    packAndSendToSerevr = RJSON.pack(unpack);


JavaScrip RJSON release from Dmytro Dogadailo.

RJson converts any Array data collection into more compact recursive form. Compressed data is still JSON and can be parsed with JSON.parse. RJson can compress not only homogeneous collections, but any data sets with free structure.

Below you can see initial form!

	$data['data_process'] = array(
	'template' => array('layers' => array(
	'layer_id_one' => array('age' => 23,'name' => 'Robert',  'height' => 187),
	'layer_id_two' => array('name' => 'Andre', 'age' => 24, 'height' => 188),
	'themes_one' => array(
	'theme_id_one' => array('name' => 'Green', 'width' => 11),
	'theme_id_two' => array('name' => 'Yellow', 'width' => 12),
	'themes_two' => array(
	'theme_id_one' => array('name' => 'Green', 'width' => 11),
	'theme_id_two' => array('name' => 'Yellow', 'width' => 12),
	'designs' => array(
	array('title' => 'Design_1', 'width' => 23, 'height' => 187),
	array('width' => 24, 'title' => 'Design_2','height' => 181),
	'id' => 7,
	'tags' => array('php', 'javascript', 2013, null, false, true),
	'users' => array(
	array('first' => 'Homer', 'last' => 'Simpson'),
	array('first' => 'Hank', 'last' => 'Hill'),
	'library' => array(
	array('title' => 'RJSON-php', 'author' => 'Dmitri Russu', 'year' => 2013),
	array('title' => 'JavaScrip RJSON', 'author' => 'Dmytro Dogadailo', 'year' => 2012))

RJson result compact json or one compact php array():

RJson ENCODED Packedge
			[{"author":"Dmitri Russu","title":"RJSON-php","year":2013},
			[3,"Dmytro Dogadailo","JavaScrip RJSON",2012]],


You make a call class with one simple single tone request

    $data = array(
    'projects' => Db_Model_Projects::findAllProjects($returnArrayRows),
    'settings' => Db_Model_Settings::findAllSettings($returnArrayRows),
    'pages' => Db_Model_Pages::findAllPages($returnArrayRows)

    $compactArrayPackedge = RJson::pack($data);
    $compactJsonFormatPackedge = RJson::pack($data, $json = true);
    $compactJsonFormatPackedge - this packedge you can send to Ajax request Where can make unpack with Js library
    * <scrip language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" >
    $.ajax( {
    "dataType": 'json',
    "type": "POST",
    "url": 'index.php?action=getData',
    "success": function(data) {
    packedge = RJSON.unpack(data);
    //Send packedge to server
    packedge = RJSON.pack(data);
    $.ajax( {
    "dataType": 'json',
    "type": "POST",
    "data": data,
    "url": 'index.php?action=saveData',
    "success": function(result) {

RJson is a good practice to use on your Applications which make requests at server for obtains a big data
to client Application.