StokesFlowCUDA Public
This CUDA code solves for steady Stokes flow for a channel of width one, length one, and with a pressure drop of magnitude P between the inlet and the outlet.
Solution of complex Ginsburg-Landau equation to show pattern formation using a Pseudo-Spectral method
RayleighBenardConvection Public
This matlab code simulates Rayleigh Bernard convection using the Chorin scheme from computational fluid dynamics
FlowAroundCornerCOMSOL Public
Simulates flow around a corner at a specific Reynolds number with COMSOL
LevelSetSwirlFEMandFVM Public
Level set modeling of multi-phase flow in a velocity field using the finite element and finite volume methods
A finite element code to solve for the dynamic fragmentation of concrete at different strain rates. A bi-linear cohesive zone model is used for the simulation
This codes simulates hydrogen deposition on a palladium surface using a monte carlo simulation written in c
These matlab codes simulate grain growth by solving the phase field equations using a centered finite difference method