A command line tool for importing your Spotify playlists into Tidal
Clone this git repository and then run:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Rename the file example_config.yml to config.yml
- Go here and register a new app on developer.spotify.com.
- Copy and paste your client ID and client secret to the Spotify part of the config file
- Copy and paste the value in 'redirect_uri' of the config file to Redirect URIs at developer.spotify.com and press ADD
- Enter your Spotify username to the config file
To synchronize all of your Spotify playlists with your Tidal account run the following
python3 sync.py
This will take a long time because the Tidal API is really slow.
You can also just synchronize a specific playlist by doing the following:
python3 sync.py --uri 1ABCDEqsABCD6EaABCDa0a
See example_config.yml for more configuration options, and sync.py --help
for more options.
Picture is not used anymore by Tidal. To bypass the 'picture' error you need to comment out line 77 in user.py
file from your local tidalapi folder
#self.picture_id = json_obj['picture']
or change it to:
self.picture_id = json_obj['picture'] if 'picture' in json_obj else ''
Check tamland/python-tidal#129