- Pune, India
- http://blog.dhananjaynene.com
Redmine plugin that allows importing of issues via CSV allowing user to map columns of csv to issue attributes.
zh / redmine_importer
Forked from leovitch/redmine_importerRedmine importer that works with trunk.
dnene / pelican
Forked from getpelican/pelicanStatic blog generator in Python, using Markdown/reST syntax
Notes and code of the course
Solving the josephus problem using various languages and programming styles
dnene / blogofile_blog
Forked from EnigmaCurry/blogofile_blogA Blogofile blog plugin
dnene / blogofile
Forked from EnigmaCurry/blogofileA static website compiler and blog engine written in Python.
Sleeping Barber implementation using Scala Akka Actors
A learning exercise in evolving programs in erlang using bowling scoring as the context
dnene / tweepy
Forked from tweepy/tweepyA python library for the Twitter API. OAuth, complete coverage, streaming API
dnene / scalaz
Forked from scalaz/scalazAn extension to the core scala library.
Static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax. Powered by Python.
Problem for Programming challenge October
Problem for Programming challenge October
Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed.
Clone of the Cucumber BDD framework for Python
A static website compiler and blog engine written in Python.