Godaemon (the Good Daemon) is a server-authoritative multiplayer API for Godot 4.4. Inspired by Astron, Godaemon provides an immediate framework for developing any kind of multiplayer game, especially for larger projects.
This is my third attempt at developing a multiplayer framework in Godot. This plugin is created based on what I felt was lacking from Godot in regards to efficient multiplayer development, and I hope it will serve your purposes too.
Godaemon is built directly on top of Godot's built-in API to provide common multiplayer systems to heavily reduce your boilerplate, streamlining multiplayer development. In Godaemon, you can continue using RPCs, but other systems have been introduced to make your life less dependent on them.
Godaemon provides two new nodes: the ClientRoot and the ServerRoot. The ServerRoot contains the entire view of the current multiplayer state, which is partially replicated to connected ClientRoots. Entire multiplayer connections are contained within these multiplayer subtrees, completely abstracting the setup of multiplayer connections. (In my experience, this decoupling of the "player host" from the "server logic" also makes multiplayer development less frustrating, especially in larger projects.)
With proper sandboxing, you can test multiple clients within a single process, implement a custom view for your server state, or run multiple connected backend Godot servers (such as special account or database servers, which your game server can connect to). Note that the same Client and Server can access and modify the same static variable and autoload state -- use Services instead to implement high-level multiplayer functionality.
For increased network security, all client RPCs within Godaemon are processed through the server first. While this tradeoff puts more networking burden on the server, it also gives the developer the tools to properly monitor and block suspicious RPCs from clients, a necessity for large multiplayer games.
This setup also allows for a scene visibility pattern for development. The server has the complete view of the multiplayer scene tree, and can selectively make parts of it visible to connected clients. This pattern is remarkably consistent, stable, and simple, you never need to use MultiplayerSynchronizer or MultiplayerSpawner ever again.
extends ServiceBase
class_name TDPlatformerSetupService
## Sets up the 2D platformer demo.
const EXT_ZONE = preload("res://demos/2d_platformer/area/ext_zone.tscn")
const PLAYER = preload("res://demos/2d_platformer/player/player.tscn")
@onready var zone_service := Godaemon.zone_service(self)
@onready var replication_service := Godaemon.replication_service(self)
func _ready() -> void:
# Services are added underneath a ServerRoot after establishing an
# ENet server, and underneath a ClientRoot after they connect to
# a ServerRoot.
if mp.is_server():
# Instantiate a world scene, and setup a Zone for it.
var game_scene: Node2D = EXT_ZONE.instantiate()
var game_zone: Zone = zone_service.add_zone(game_scene)
# Only the server needs to create scenes for the player.
var peer_to_player: Dictionary[int, Node] = {}
func (peer: int):
# When a peer connects to us, we give them a player scene.
var player := PLAYER.instantiate()
# Set initial properties of the player.
player.position.x = randi_range(-256, 256)
player.color = Color.from_hsv(randf(), 1.0, 1.0)
replication_service.set_node_owner(player, peer)
peer_to_player[peer] = player
# Set the player scene's global visibility to true,
# which will replicate it and defined properties to all peers.
# This MUST be called before the node enters the tree.
replication_service.set_visibility(player, true)
# Add them to the zone scene.
# Give the connected peer 'interest' to the game zone,
# giving them a view of the game world.
func (peer: int):
# When a peer disconnects, remove their player scene on the server.
# This will automatically replicate their destruction to clients.
if peer in peer_to_player:
Godaemon stores external RPC and synchronization configurations in a new Replication editor. Whenever a scene or script is replicated to a client, its properties can be precisely replicated, with tight control over send/receive filtering. Any property on a script can be set for replication, including class properties such as Node3D.position
or CanvasItem.visible
This editor also implements RPC filtering, rendering the arguments within the @rpc
annotation defunct (sorry -- they're just not precise enough compared to what Godaemon allows). You can also replicate signal emission, which doesn't really need to exist, nor have I found a valid use case for them yet, but they're conceptually really fun to think about, so....
For increased security and performance, nodes do not RPC via shared NodePaths. Instead, nodes can only RPC if their stored node ID is equivalent between server and client processes. Node ID replication is automatically handled by the internal ReplicationService, so this is not something you will have to worry about very often. However, this ID repository is exposed for developers, allowing for an easy way to exchange node references through RPCs.
func request_node(node: Node):
var node_id := Godaemon.repository(self).get_id(node)
func rpc_request_node(node_id: int):
var node := Godaemon.repository(self).get_node(node_id)
Services are similar to autoloads, except that they are created underneath a ClientRoot/ServerRoot and exist only for the duration of the ENet connection. They can used as singletons for implementing high-level multiplayer functionality, such as chat RPCs, voice chat, usernames, and more. The developer is expected to implement at least one service for setting up their game.
Godaemon comes with three "default services," which are optional and can be disabled:
- ReplicationService, which implements replicated scene visibility on servers to clients.
- SyncService, which replicates property changes on replicated scenes between servers and clients.
- ZoneService, a utility for creating replicated scenes under SubViewports, separating physics/navigation/visual worlds.
TODO: There used to be a default peer service, but I found its replication to not scale well during development. I'd like to introduce a better replacement, but for now, I would recommend creating a player service like this for your config:
extends ServiceBase
class_name PlayerService
## Manages peer replication.
# Clients/server should listen to this signal instead of multiplayer.peer_connected / multiplayer.peer_disconnected
signal player_enter(np: NetPlayer)
signal player_exit(np: NetPlayer)
# This can be a custom scene or Node script.
# You can store and replicate player state here, such as health or score,
# or add sub-replicated nodes like an inventory.
const NET_PLAYER := preload("res://game/player/net_player.tscn")
@onready var rpcs := Godaemon.rpcs(self)
@onready var replication := Godaemon.replication_service(self)
func _ready() -> void:
if mp.is_server():
#region NetPlayer Setup
var peers: Array[int] = []
var peer_to_player: Dictionary[int, NetPlayer] = {}
func peer_connected(peer: int):
var np: NetPlayer = NET_PLAYER.instantiate()
peer_to_player[peer] = np
replication.set_node_owner(np, peer)
replication.set_visibility(np, true)
func peer_disconnected(peer: int):
var np: NetPlayer = peer_to_player.get(peer)
if not np:
func _peer_added(np: NetPlayer):
var peer := Godaemon.get_node_owner(np)
peer_to_player[peer] = np
func _peer_removed(np: NetPlayer):
var peer := Godaemon.get_node_owner(np)
#region API
func get_all_peers() -> Array[int]:
return peers
func get_all_players() -> Array[NetPlayer]:
return peer_to_player.values()
func get_peer_count() -> int:
return peers.size()
func get_peer_player(peer: int) -> NetPlayer:
return peer_to_player.get(peer)
func get_local_player() -> NetPlayer:
return get_peer_player(mp.local_peer)
func await_peer_player(peer: int) -> NetPlayer:
while peer not in peer_to_player:
await get_tree().process_frame
return peer_to_player[peer]
By default, Godot uses SceneMultiplayer for its multiplayer implementation. There are certain tradeoffs between using SceneMultiplayer and GodaemonMultiplayer for your project.
Advantages of SceneMultiplayer:
- Less networking overhead.
- Ideal for smaller lobby games, where all peers share the same game view.
- Easier to port existing Godot projects to multiplayer.
Advantages of GodaemonMultiplayer:
- More robust security, solving vulnerabilities present in SceneMultiplayer.
- Server-sided visibility heavily streamlines multiplayer development, allowing you to focus on actual game development instead of network boilerplate.
- You could actually use it to make an MMO. (But I currently have performance concerns with its implementation in GDScript, a GDExtension reimplementation would be optimal.)
- Built-in Steam networking (I'm still working on this, though)
Currently, there is no in-depth documentation -- this addon is still evolving and I'm developing it alongside my own multiplayer projects. The Godot project comes with a couple of simple demos.
- Smooth replication seems to be pretty stuttery on an initial connection (such as in the platformer demo). It cleans up after a bit, but it's definitely a bug.
- Steam networking is rough and still in development.
Installation is a bit of a trash-fire right now, as most of my time is currently dedicated into developing with this plugin as opposed to developing the plugin itself. If you're brave, here's what you have to do:
- Install both addons from the demo project. The gdextension is built off of a roughly 4.4 beta version of Godot, you may have to build it yourself if you're targetting a different version.
- You must create a custom Godot build using both GodotSteam and a custom PR.
- For GodotSteam, I built it using this module: https://godotsteam.com/howto/modules/. The GDExtension may work, though I have not tested it.
- It's possible to exclude Steam for now, though you'll likely have to exclude the gdextension and modify the gdscript addon itself to remove Steam references. If you're making a modern multiplayer indie title, Steam's networking is peak, though even for developing you can still use the enet layer for testing.
- You'll want to take the commit from this repository for your custom build: https://github.com/dog-on-moon/godot/tree/object-freeing-signal. I do this normally by opening a pull request, targetting my build branch using this branch as a base.
- For GodotSteam, I built it using this module: https://godotsteam.com/howto/modules/. The GDExtension may work, though I have not tested it.