Simple chat application with plain text storage for messages written in JAVA. Server should be started before clients. Server application broadcasts messages to other clients via Sockets
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.mex.simplechat.main.ChatApplication" -Dexec.args="server"
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.mex.simplechat.main.ChatApplication" -Dexec.args="chat /user:User1"
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.mex.simplechat.main.ChatApplication" -Dexec.args="chat /user:User2"
mvn clean package
java -jar target/SimpleChat-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server
java -jar target/SimpleChat-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar chat /user:User1
java -jar target/SimpleChat-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar chat /user:User2
Usage: <main class> [COMMAND]
Simple Chat Application, server should be started before the clients
chat For users connecting to chat application
server Starts server for chat application
help Displays help information about the specified command
Command Overview
/help - This help page
/exit - Exit from application
Command Overview
/help - This help page
/exit - Exit from application
/send <message> - Send message for participants
Output will be written in files located in root folder. File names are created associated with user names message_<USER_NAME>.txt
(chat with User1 name output file will be message_User1.txt).
User 'User2' is connected..
outgoing message => User1: hi there
outgoing message => User1: this is me
incoming message <= User2: hello
incoming message <= User2: how is it going
outgoing message => User1: fine thank you
outgoing message => User1: bye
incoming message <= User1: hi there
incoming message <= User1: this is me
outgoing message => User2: hello
outgoing message => User2: how is it going
incoming message <= User1: fine thank you
incoming message <= User1: bye
User 'User1' is gone..