Terraform module that provides an IAM User and IAM Role with given policies.
Check the examples directory.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
name | Name of the user and role | string | n/a | yes |
attach_policy_arns | Policy arns attacherd to the assuming role | list | [] |
no |
enabled | Set to false to prevent the module from creating any resources | bool | "true" |
no |
iam_role_principals_arns | Other IAM Principals which can assume the role | list | [] |
no |
inline_policies | Policies applied to the assuming role | list | [] |
no |
tags | Tags applied to the resources | map | {} |
no |
Name | Description |
this_aws_iam_access_key_id | The access key id |
this_aws_iam_access_key_secret | The access key secret |
this_aws_iam_role_arn | The IAM Role ARN |
this_aws_iam_role_id | The IAM Role ID |
this_aws_iam_user_arn | The IAM User ARN |
this_aws_iam_user_id | The IAM User ID |
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