This is a reduced AE plugin template to replace the Skeleton in the AE SDK. You can develop your plugin based on this project on Windows instead of Skeleton.
- Remove redundant code and just keep only the core code.
- Support MFR by default.
- More organized and portable project structure.
- Compile it in one click without tedious configuration.
- Standalone in one folder, no weird dependencies.
- Windows only!
- Use October2021 SDK in the master branch, other visions are available in other branches.
- Use Visual Studio 2022.
- Use Clang by default.
- If you want to change the plugin and project name, you should pay attention to Name and AE_Effect_Match_Name in PiPL, name of the source file and #include statement, name of the vcxproj and configuration, name of the solution, project and solution name within .sln file.