This plugin allows you to use oDesk APIs in your rails application seamlessly. It uses the gem ruby_desk ( to interact with oDesk APIs.
RorDesk makes it very easy to use oDesk APIs from within rails applications.
It takes care of the whole authentication process leaving you to call only the APIs you want.
It also hides most API details like forming the URL and parameters.
All calls are signed by default using you API key and secret to be much easier.
Results are automatically parsed so that your application interact with Ruby classes instead of json/xml.
Dates and times are automatically mapped to Ruby Date/Time objects leaving no ambiguity on time zone.
RorDesk integrates easily with a Rails application by adding a controller and some methods in ApplicationController. The controller OdeskController accepts one action that is sent by oDesk after the authorization is completed. The path to this action is assumed to be ‘/odesk’. This action reads the ‘frob’ parameter and stores it into session for later use with API calls.
The method ‘odesk_required’ is added to ApplicationController. This method should be used as a before_filter for actions that use oDesk APIs. This method either creates an @odesk_connector that will be used in the action, or redirects to oDesk authentication/authorization page so that the user accepts the application. When a redirection to oDesk Auth* page occurs, the application redirects to the original action that was called after authorization is complete.
Inside your action you have an instance variable @odesk_connector that can be used with all RubyDesk methods. See
for more details on how to use RubyDesk.
Rails 3 Users: Type this at the rails application root
rails plugin install git://
Add the following line to your Gemfile in the Rails root directory
gem 'ruby_desk'
Rails 2 Users: To install ror_desk plugin just type this at your rails application root
script/plugin install git://
First of all, you should generate API keys through oDesk web site.
In the ‘Callback URL’ field type:
http://<your domain>/odesk
Copy and paste your ‘key’ and ‘secret’ from oDesk page to the file
<Rails Root>/config/odesk.yml
You may need to create it if it is not existing.
A sample config file (config/odesk.yml)
development: api_key: 824d225a889aca186c55ac49a6b23957 api_secret: 984aa36db13fff5c test: api_key: 824d225a889aca186c55ac49a6b23957 api_secret: 984aa36db13fff5c production: api_key: 824d225a889aca186c55ac49a6b23957 api_secret: 984aa36db13fff5c
A sample controller (app/controllers/teams_controller.rb)
TeamsController < ApplicationController before_filter :odesk_required def index @teamrooms = RubyDesk::TeamRoom.get_teamrooms(@odesk_connector) end end
A sample view (app/views/teams/index.html.erb)
<h1>Teams</h1> <% @teamrooms.each do |teamroom| -%> <%= teamroom.company_name %><br/> <% end -%>
(new) RorDesk is logging its messages to your log file. This makes life easier when a problem happens.
Copyright © 2010 BadrIT (Ahmed ElDawy), released under the MIT license