Using latest express (4.x) and (1.0),
and written with my latest best practices.
mongodb -- developed using v2.6.1
node.js -- developed using v0.10.25
To install:
npm install
To run:
node app.js
Then open browser and navigate to
Initially displays active users and lets you join by providing a username
Once joining, displays active users and messages logged by the group
Exists as a single open chat room
Private messages can be sent by clicking a user on the connected user list, and then sending a message
Minor annoyances:
alerting when a user joins / leaves ( to disable: comment out client/client.js lines 55 and 64 )
needing to click the send button, rather than just pressing enter ( this is because I use a text area and not a form )
Currently, mongodb empties the 'messages' collection whenever app.js is restarted. To disable this, comment out db.js lines 16,17 and 36