Prometheus exporter for Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL). Exposes the following metrics
- mssql_instance_local_time Number of seconds since epoch on local instance
- mssql_connections{database,state} Number of active connections
- mssql_deadlocks Number of lock requests per second that resulted in a deadlock since last restart
- mssql_user_errors Number of user errors/sec since last restart
- mssql_kill_connection_errors Number of kill connection errors/sec since last restart
- mssql_database_state{database} State of each database (0=online 1=restoring 2=recovering 3=recovery pending 4=suspect 5=emergency 6=offline 7=copying 10=offline secondary)
- mssql_log_growths{database} Total number of times the transaction log for the database has been expanded last restart
- mssql_database_filesize{database,logicalname,type,filename} Physical sizes of files used by database in KB, their names and types (0=rows, 1=log, 2=filestream,3=n/a 4=fulltext(prior to version 2008 of MS SQL Server))
- mssql_page_life_expectancy Indicates the minimum number of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool on this node without references. The traditional advice from Microsoft used to be that the PLE should remain above 300 seconds
- mssql_io_stall{database,type} Wait time (ms) of stall since last restart
- mssql_io_stall_total{database} Wait time (ms) of stall since last restart
- mssql_batch_requests Number of Transact-SQL command batches received per second. This statistic is affected by all constraints (such as I/O, number of users, cachesize, complexity of requests, and so on). High batch requests mean good throughput
- mssql_page_fault_count Number of page faults since last restart
- mssql_memory_utilization_percentage Percentage of memory utilization
- mssql_total_physical_memory_kb Total physical memory in KB
- mssql_available_physical_memory_kb Available physical memory in KB
- mssql_total_page_file_kb Total page file in KB
- mssql_available_page_file_kb Available page file in KB
- mssql_cpu_usage_percentage Percentage of CPU usage
- mssql_cpu_idle_percentage Percentage of idle CPU
Please feel free to submit other interesting metrics to include.
Unless you have a local server within reach.
See Microsoft mssql-server for more information.
docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=qkD4x3yy" \
-p 1433:1433 --name sql1 --hostname sql1 -d --network host \
To use a persistent storage include -v /mypath:/var/opt/mssql/data
Build locally:
docker build --tag prometheus-mssql-exporter .
Run locally:
docker run --rm -e SERVER=localhost -e USERNAME=SA -e PASSWORD=qkD4x3yy \
--network host -e DEBUG=app -p 4000:4000 --name prometheus-mssql-exporter \
Test locally:
curl http://localhost:4000/metrics
The image supports the following environments and exposes port 4000
- SERVER server ip or dns name (required)
- PORT server port (optional defaults to 1433)
- USERNAME access user (required)
- PASSWORD access password (required)
- DEBUG comma delimited list of enabled logs (optional currently supports app and metrics)
It is required that the specified user has the following permissions
Run on the local MSSQL-server started above:
SERVER=localhost PORT=1433 USERNAME=sa PASSWORD=qkD4x3yy EXPOSE=4000 node ./index.js
To enable debugging set the environment variable DEBUG to app and/or metrics.
For example DEBUG=app,metrics