lora-pktgen Public
LoRaWAN Packet Generator (GW simulator)
awesome-deep-learning-music Public
Forked from ybayle/awesome-deep-learning-musicList of articles related to deep learning applied to music
TeX MIT License UpdatedAug 5, 2019 -
micropython Public
Forked from micropython/micropythonMicroPython - a lean and efficient Python implementation for microcontrollers and constrained systems
C MIT License UpdatedOct 9, 2018 -
Nowcoder Public
Forked from ranjiewwen/Nowcoder牛课网练习,主要包括leetcode,剑指offer,Cracking the Coding Interview,PAT,华为上机测试,算法课程学习,一些公司笔试题目等。
C++ UpdatedSep 12, 2018 -
openpose Public
Forked from CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openposeOpenPose: Real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, and hands estimation
C++ Other UpdatedAug 21, 2018 -
rqalpha Public
Forked from ricequant/rqalphaA extendable, replaceable Python algorithmic backtest && trading framework supporting multiple securities
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 21, 2018 -
kaggle Public
Forked from apachecn/InterviewKaggle 项目实战(教程) = 文档 + 代码 + 视频
Jupyter Notebook GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 21, 2018 -
awesome-tensorflow Public
Forked from jtoy/awesome-tensorflowTensorFlow - A curated list of dedicated resources http://tensorflow.org
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedAug 20, 2018 -
facenet Public
Forked from davidsandberg/facenetFace recognition using Tensorflow
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 17, 2018 -
machine-learning-for-software-engineers Public
Forked from ZuzooVn/machine-learning-for-software-engineersA complete daily plan for studying to become a machine learning engineer.
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International UpdatedAug 15, 2018 -
Fitting-Room Public
Forked from khuramc2017/Fitting-RoomAn app that assists users with their fashion choices
Java UpdatedAug 12, 2018 -
faceai Public
Forked from vipstone/faceai一款入门级的人脸、视频、文字检测以及识别的项目.
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 10, 2018 -
MagicMirror Public
Forked from MagicMirrorOrg/MagicMirrorMagicMirror² is an open source modular smart mirror platform. With a growing list of installable modules, the MagicMirror² allows you to convert your hallway or bathroom mirror into your personal a…
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 7, 2018 -
Smart-Mirror Public
Forked from HackerShackOfficial/Smart-MirrorRaspberry powered mirror which can display news, weather, calendar events
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 5, 2018 -
awesome-iot Public
Forked from phodal/awesome-iotAwesome IoT. A collaborative list of great resources about IoT Framework, Library, OS, Platform
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 4, 2018 -
tensorflow-on-raspberry-pi Public
Forked from samjabrahams/tensorflow-on-raspberry-piTensorFlow for Raspberry Pi
Python Other UpdatedAug 3, 2018 -
deeplearning-assignment Public
Forked from Wasim37/deeplearning-assignment吴恩达-深度学习-课后作业-答案与总结
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 30, 2018 -
text-classification-cnn-rnn Public
Forked from gaussic/text-classification-cnn-rnnCNN-RNN中文文本分类,基于TensorFlow
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 20, 2018 -
deep-learning-from-scratch Public
Forked from oreilly-japan/deep-learning-from-scratch『ゼロから作る Deep Learning』のリポジトリ
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 7, 2018 -
makeyourownneuralnetwork Public
Forked from makeyourownneuralnetwork/makeyourownneuralnetworkCode for the Make Your Own Neural Network book
Jupyter Notebook GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedJul 1, 2018 -
ha-floorplan Public
Forked from pkozul/ha-floorplanFloorplan for Home Assistant
HTML UpdatedJun 28, 2018 -
openface Public
Forked from cmusatyalab/openfaceFace recognition with deep neural networks.
Lua Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 18, 2018 -
stock-rnn Public
Forked from lilianweng/stock-rnnPredict stock market prices using RNN model with multilayer LSTM cells + optional multi-stock embeddings.
Python UpdatedJun 11, 2018 -
Sentiment-Analysis-in-Event-Driven-Stock-Price-Movement-Prediction Public
Forked from WayneDW/Sentiment-Analysis-in-Event-Driven-Stock-Price-Movement-PredictionUse NLP to predict stock price movement associated with news
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 10, 2018 -
Home-Assistant-Launcher Public
Forked from sjvc/Home-Assistant-LauncherHome Assistant launcher for Android with lock screen
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 5, 2018 -
Clairvoyant Public
Forked from anfederico/clairvoyantSoftware designed to identify and monitor social/historical cues for short term stock movement
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 27, 2018 -