Python 3 and Jupyter Notebook are required
(CPU User) $ pip3 install tensorflow sklearn scipy bunch tqdm wget (GPU User) $ pip3 install tensorflow-gpu sklearn scipy bunch tqdm wget
Language Model(语言模型)
Learning to Sort(机器排序)
Learning to Dialog(机器对话)
- Transformer Notebook
VAE (Variational Autoencoder)
Data Argumentation(数据增强)
- Back Translation Notebook
Knowledge Representation(知识表示)
- RDF + SPARQL Notebook (WN18)
Link Prediction (链路预测)
DistMult (1-1 Scoring) Notebook (WN18)
DistMult (1-N Scoring) Notebook (WN18)
ConvE (1-N Scoring) Notebook (WN18)
Loading Data (导入数据)
Project Template(项目模版)
- Bi-RNN + CTC Notebook
- DCGAN Notebook
- Policy Gradient Notebook