Djalma Web
- São Paulo(SP) - Brazil
- https://djalmabina.wordpress.com/
Payload-USB Public
Forked from EthicNinja/Ninjutsu-USBUSB HID for Penetration Testing
quickfix Public
Forked from quickfix/quickfixQuickFIX C++ Fix Engine Library
C++ Other UpdatedNov 18, 2019 -
pandas Public
Forked from pandas-dev/pandasFlexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedOct 27, 2019 -
ocpp Public
Forked from mobilityhouse/ocppPython implementation of the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP).
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 24, 2019 -
examples Public
Forked from tensorflow/examplesTensorFlow examples
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 22, 2019 -
image_algorithm Public
Forked from TyperOfCode/image_algorithmA Image Generator algorithm which the task is to recreate the Image.png with triangles
Python UpdatedOct 16, 2019 -
awesome-cpp Public
Forked from fffaraz/awesome-cppA curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
Other UpdatedOct 9, 2019 -
C-Plus-Plus Public template
Forked from TheAlgorithms/C-Plus-PlusAll Algorithms implemented in C++
C++ UpdatedOct 8, 2019 -
CodeCompass Public
Forked from Ericsson/CodeCompassCodeCompass is a software comprehension tool for large scale software written in C/C++ and Java
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 5, 2019 -
qpp Public
Forked from softwareQinc/qppA modern C++11 quantum computing library
Lilith Public
Forked from werkamsus/LilithLilith, The Open Source C++ Remote Administration Tool (RAT)
pychubby Public
Forked from jankrepl/pychubbyAutomated face warping tool.
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 13, 2019 -
Generative-Art Public
Forked from erdavids/Generative-ArtA hub for all of my generative art projects
UpdatedSep 10, 2019 -
pyforest Public
Forked from 8080labs/pyforestLazy-import of all popular Python Data Science libraries
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 9, 2019 -
scrapyd Public
Forked from djalmabright/scrapydA service daemon to run Scrapy spiders
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 30, 2019 -
Fast creation and configuration of topologies, traffic matrices and event schedules for network experiments
Python Other UpdatedAug 26, 2019 -
pipes Public
Forked from joboccara/pipesSmart iterators for operating on collections in C++
Building-a-Simple-Chatbot-in-Python-using-NLTK Public
Forked from parulnith/Building-a-Simple-Chatbot-in-Python-using-NLTKBuilding a Simple Chatbot from Scratch in Python (using NLTK)
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 14, 2019 -
skidl Public
Forked from devbisme/skidlSKiDL is a module that extends Python with the ability to design electronic circuits.
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 11, 2019 -
checkface Public
Forked from check-face/checkfacePutting a face to a hash
Python Other UpdatedAug 11, 2019 -
basic-node-addon Public
Forked from a7ul/basic-node-addonAn example repo to help explain debugging c++ nodejs addons using vscode
C++ UpdatedAug 9, 2019 -
cpp Public
Forked from AllAlgorithms/cppImplementation of All ▲lgorithms in C++ Programming Language
C++ MIT License UpdatedAug 4, 2019 -
prebuild Public
Forked from prebuild/prebuildA command line tool for easily doing prebuilds for multiple version of node on a specific platform
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 3, 2019 -
node-vorbis Public
Forked from TooTallNate/node-vorbisNode.js native binding to libvorbis
JavaScript UpdatedJul 29, 2019 -
deepmatcher Public
Forked from anhaidgroup/deepmatcherPython package for performing Entity and Text Matching using Deep Learning.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJul 29, 2019 -
virtual-patient-clinic Public
Forked from circuit/virtual-patient-clinicNode.js application for virtual appointments with doctors. Uses Circuit Node.js SDK and the Circuit Guest Access feature with its WebRTC capability. Client app built with vue.js and socket.io.
JavaScript UpdatedJul 26, 2019