This Python 3 library provides a parser for the raw data stored by bitcoind.
- Detects outputs types
- Detects addresses in outputs
- Interprets scripts
import sys
from blockchain_parser.blockchain import Blockchain
# Instantiate the Blockchain by giving the path to the directory
# containing the .blk files created by bitcoind
blockchain = Blockchain(sys.argv[1])
for block in blockchain.get_unordered_blocks():
for tx in block.transactions:
for no, output in enumerate(tx.outputs):
print("tx=%s outputno=%d type=%s value=%s" % (tx.hash, no, output.type, output.value))
# To get the blocks ordered by height, you need to provide the path of the
# `index` directory (LevelDB index) being maintained by bitcoind. It contains
# .ldb files and is present inside the `blocks` directory.
for block in blockchain.get_ordered_blocks(sys.argv[1] + '/index', end=1000):
print("height=%d block=%s" % (block.height, block.hash))
# Blocks can be iterated in reverse by specifying a start parameter that is
# greater than the end parameter.
for block in blockchain.get_ordered_blocks(sys.argv[1] + '/index', start=510000, end=0):
print("height=%d block=%s" % (block.height, block.hash))
More examples are available in the examples directory.
Requirements : python-bitcoinlib, plyvel, coverage for tests
plyvel requires leveldb development libraries for LevelDB >1.2.X
On Linux, install libleveldb-dev
sudo apt-get install libleveldb-dev
Then, just run
python install
Run the test suite by lauching