i broke my roku remote so i made a new one with go and fyne
install go if you haven't already.
install fyne:
go get fyne.io/fyne/v2
build with:
go mod tidy && go build
this will create a roku-fyne.exe executable in the same directory.
if you run apple silicon, i might have a binary for you in 'releases'.
install go if you haven't already.
install fyne:
go get fyne.io/fyne/v2
build with:
go mod tidy && go build
this will create a roku-fyne executable in the same directory.
install go if you haven't already.
install fyne:
go get fyne.io/fyne/v2
build with with:
go mod tidy && go build
this will create a roku-fyne executable in the same directory.
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