Tags: doolin/nplus1
P. 73 Example works with postgres SQLite in memory errors out on the threading examples, but Postgres does much better. It still throws errors which need to be caught, it also proceeds to a satisfactory conclusion. That is, threading computes an incorrect final balance. I'm skipping the last 10 pages as the treatment of race conditions doesn't have an exercises. It's very open-ended, and I would need to create some way to evaluate the execution. As it's not "n+1" per se, I'll pick this up later when I need to go deeper into race conditions.
P.73 SQLite3 doesn't handle concurrency well. This is good example.
P. 67 finish counter caching and chapter 4 Good chapter, will be easy to extend and go deeper.
Page 53 Load then count for efficiency when the data will be needed anyway.