The name comes from a phonetically mangled portmanteau of "Go" and "Slack" combined with my love of Mexican food.
go get
For details of the Guac API see the API reference.
Instantiating the client requires only a bot integration token, configured via the Custom Integrations section of the Slack admin panel. Bots can discover their own name and channels via the API itself so none of that information is required.
webClient := guac.New(token)
Connecting to the Real Time API is done via an existing client instance, and opens a websocket to communicate with the Slack service.
rtm, err := webClient.RealTime()
Close connections when they're done to clean up any goroutines that are handling incoming messages from the Slack websocket.
Receive events via the Receive()
method. All events are returned from the same
function so the best way to handle them is with a type switch. this could call
handlers, push the events onto channels, or anything else.
func receiveEvents(rtm slack.RealTimeClient,
done chan struct{},
messages chan guac.MessageEvent,
userChanges chan guac.UserChangeEvent) {
defer func() {
for {
select {
case <-done:
e, err := rtm.Receive()
if err != nil {
// log the error
switch event := e.(type) {
case guac.MessageEvent:
messages <- event
case guac.UserChangeEvent:
userChanges <- event
// Unhandled
Close the connection with the Close()
method to stop the Receive()
listening. If an error is received from Receive()
method it is considered
terminal. At this point, create a new connection or restart the program.
It is recommended to send a Ping request via the RealTimeClient.Ping()
periodically to let Slack know you are still there. It will result in a pong
response returned by the Receive()
This means that, at a minimum, you should expect a message from Slack at least as frequently as your pings. If there is no incoming message for a significant period, it may be that the connection has hung and should be reconnected.
The PersistentRealTime connection accepts a duration to be considered "inactive" and will reconnect if that timeout is exceeded between messages. Note that it does not send ping requests; it only times out if nothing comes back. Make sure pings are being sent to prevent timeout.
Only a very small subset of the Slack API functionality is implemented, although the code is extensible enough to allow quick addition of new endpoints and event types. It should be enough to get started with a very basic conversational bot.