“会易”是一款专为会议室打造的智能会议解决方案。 “会易”支持会议室创建与管理、会议室预约、会议预约、签到、迟到抢占、无线投屏等多种功能。有自己的用户体系,并支持微信小程序绑定和扫码登陆。
Easymeeting is an meeting solution specially built for conference rooms. Easymeeting supports various functions such as conference room creation and management, conference room reservation, meeting reservation, check-in, room preemption, wireless screen casting, etc. Has its own user system, and support wechat miniprogram binding and wechat scan login.
本工程是客户端部分代码。 This project is part of the client code.
- 修改src/config.json为你的服务器地址
To use, please:
- Change src/config.json to your server address
支持功能 Support functions:
- 用户登录和注册 User login and registration
- 小程序扫码登陆 Miniprogram scan code login
- 会议预约 Meeting appointment
- 个人任务查看 Personal Task
- WebRTC无线投屏 Wireless screen casting
- 多系统支持(Mac、Win、Linux)Multi-system support
- 会议室管理 Conference room management
- 设备管理 Device management
- 设备绑定(小程序实现)Device binding (miniprogram implementation)
- 会议签到(小程序实现)Meeting check-in (miniprogram implementation)
- 会议室抢占(小程序实现)Meeting room preemption (miniprogram implementation)
- 会议邀请处理 Meeting invitation processing
- 设置 Settings
扫码登陆页面 Scan Login
主页 Index
投屏页面 Wireless screen casting
会议室管理页面 Conference room management
设置页面 Settings
通知页面 Notice
Welcome to submit PR or better idea!
# install dependencies
yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
yarn run dev
# build electron application for production
yarn run build
#build windows exe
yarn run build:win
This project was generated with electron-vue using vue-cli. Documentation about the original structure can be found here.