Note All features and bug fixes are on hold while we focus on a refactor of the theme. If you would like to be involved in the discussion or have input to share, please join us as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.
Subscribe to this discussion
or :h github-theme-changelog
to receive updates on breaking changes and deprecations.
- 2022-08-03: Terminal and other themes have been moved to github-theme-contrib git repository and related code have been removed from this repository.
- Neovim >= 0.5.0
Warning Use the latest release tag or 0.0.x branch for updates, not the main branch.
Install the theme with your preferred package manager:
Install with vim-plug:
Plug 'projekt0n/github-nvim-theme', { 'tag': 'v0.0.7' }
" or { 'branch': '0.0.x' }
Or with dein:
call dein#add('projekt0n/github-nvim-theme', { 'rev': 'v0.0.7' })
" or { 'rev': '0.0.x' }
Or with minpac:
call minpac#add('projekt0n/github-nvim-theme', { 'rev': 'v0.0.7' })
" or { 'rev': '0.0.x' }
Or with Packer.nvim:
Add this in your init.lua
or plugins.lua
-- Install without configuration
use ({ 'projekt0n/github-nvim-theme', tag = 'v0.0.7' })
-- or branch = '0.0.x'
-- Or with configuration
'projekt0n/github-nvim-theme', tag = 'v0.0.7',
-- or branch = '0.0.x'
config = function()
-- ...
Enable the colorscheme:
" Vim Script
colorscheme github_*
-- Lua
Option | Default | Description |
colors | {} |
You can override specific color groups to use other groups or a hex color |
comment_style | italic |
Highlight style for comments (check :help highlight-args for options) |
dark_float | false |
Float windows like the lsp diagnostics windows get a darker background. |
dark_sidebar | true |
Sidebar like windows like NvimTree get a darker background |
dev | false |
Developer Mode. |
function_style | NONE |
Highlight style for functions (check :help highlight-args for options) |
hide_end_of_buffer | true |
Enabling this option, will hide filler lines (~) after the end of the buffer |
hide_inactive_statusline | true |
Enabling this option, will hide inactive statuslines and replace them with a thin border instead. Should work with the standard StatusLine. |
keyword_style | italic |
Highlight style for keywords (check :help highlight-args for options) |
msg_area_style | NONE |
Highlight style for messages and cmdline (check :help highlight-args for options) |
overrides | function |
Override specific highlight groups. The function accpet colors as argument. You can also add a non-exists highlight by enabling the dev mode. |
sidebars | {} |
Set a darker background on sidebar-like windows. For example: {"qf", "vista_kind", "terminal", "packer"} |
theme_style | dark |
Set theme variant (options: dark /dimmed /dark_default /dark_colorblind /light /light_default /light_colorblind ) |
transparent | false |
Enable this to disable setting the background color |
variable_style | NONE |
Highlight style for variables and identifiers (check :help highlight-args for options) |
" Example config in VimScript
" NOTE: Configuration needs to be set BEFORE loading the color scheme with `colorscheme` command
let g:github_function_style = "italic"
let g:github_sidebars = ["qf", "vista_kind", "terminal", "packer"]
" Change the "hint" color to the "orange" color, and make the "error" color bright red
let g:github_colors = {
\ 'hint': 'orange',
\ 'error': '#ff0000'
\ }
" Load the colorscheme
colorscheme github_dark
-- Example config in Lua
theme_style = "dark",
function_style = "italic",
sidebars = {"qf", "vista_kind", "terminal", "packer"},
-- Change the "hint" color to the "orange" color, and make the "error" color bright red
colors = {hint = "orange", error = "#ff0000"},
-- Overwrite the highlight groups
overrides = function(c)
return {
htmlTag = {fg =, bg = "#282c34", sp = c.hint, style = "underline"},
DiagnosticHint = {link = "LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint"},
-- this will remove the highlight groups
TSField = {},
- Supports the latest Neovim>=0.5 features like TreeSitter and LSP
- Minimal inactive statusline (only work with Vim's Default StatusLine)
- Vim terminal colors
- Darker background for sidebar-like windows
- Most elegant lualine theme
- Plugin Support Builtin lsp diagnostics, ale, circles.nvim, coc.nvim, dashboard-nvim, diffview.nvim, gitsigns.nvim, indent-blankline.nvim, lsp-trouble.nvim, lspsaga.nvim, lualine.nvim, mini.nvim, neogit, nvim-bufferline.lua, nvim-cmp, nvim-compe, nvim-notify, nvim-tree.lua, nvim-treesitter, nvim-treesitter-context, nvim-web-devicons, telescope.nvim, vim-gitgutter, and which-key.nvim
Installation docs and screenshots at
Moved to projekt0n/github-theme-contrib git repository
To have undercurls show up and in color, add the following to your Tmux config file:
# Undercurl
set -g default-terminal "${TERM}"
set -as terminal-overrides ',*:Smulx=\E[4::%p1%dm' # undercurl support
set -as terminal-overrides ',*:Setulc=\E[58::2::%p1%{65536}%/%d::%p1%{256}%/%{255}%&%d::%p1%{255}%&%d%;m' # underscore colours - needs tmux-3.0
- Font: JetBrains Mono
- Terminal: kitty
- Icon: nvim-web-devicons
- StatusLine: Default (.vimrc)
- dotfiles: ful1e5/dotfiles/nvim
" VimScript
colorscheme github_dark
-- Lua
theme_style = "dark",
-- other config
" VimScript
colorscheme github_dimmed
-- Lua
theme_style = "dimmed",
-- other config
" VimScript
colorscheme github_dark_default
-- Lua
theme_style = "dark_default",
-- other config
" VimScript
colorscheme github_dark_colorblind
-- Lua
theme_style = "dark_colorblind",
-- other config
" VimScript
colorscheme github_light
-- Lua
theme_style = "light",
-- other config
" VimScript
colorscheme github_light_default
-- Lua
theme_style = "light_default",
-- other config
" VimScript
colorscheme github_light_colorblind
-- Lua
theme_style = "light_colorblind",
-- other config
" VimScript
let g:github_comment_style = "NONE"
let g:github_keyword_style = "NONE"
let g:github_function_style = "NONE"
let g:github_variable_style = "NONE"
-- Lua
comment_style = "NONE",
keyword_style = "NONE",
function_style = "NONE",
variable_style = "NONE"
-- other config
" VimScript
let g:github_comment_style = "italic"
let g:github_keyword_style = "italic"
let g:github_function_style = "italic"
let g:github_variable_style = "italic"
-- Lua
comment_style = "italic",
keyword_style = "italic",
function_style = "italic",
variable_style = "italic"
-- other config
" VimScript
let g:github_dark_sidebar = 0
-- Lua
dark_sidebar = false,
-- other config
This project is released under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENCE for more information or see