Tags: dotty-staging/scala-stm
ScalaSTM - 0.5 Changes between 0.4 and 0.5: * Added scala.concurrent.stm.japi.STM, which makes it much cleaner to access ScalaSTM functionality from Java.
ScalaSTM - 0.4 Changes between 0.3 and 0.4: * CommitBarrier added, which allows multiple atomic blocks (each on its own thread) to commit together. * Small performance improvements. * STMBench7 benchmark support added. * Automatic selection of STMImpl in most cases.
Release 0.3 * Timeouts for retry * Support for 2.9.0.RC1 * Bug fixes
ScalaSTM - 0.2 RELEASE NOTES Changes between 0.1 and 0.2: * Substantial performance improvements, especially for nested atomic blocks. * TSet.View and TMap.View are integrated into the Scala collection class hierarchy, with factory companion objects and Builder and CanBuildFrom instances. * A fix for whileCommitting handlers (issue scala-stm#3). * TxnLocal can now be read and written from while-preparing and while- committing handlers. Combining TxnLocal and life-cycle handlers is now more concise. * Transaction statistics can be enabled for the default algorithm with the VM argument -Dccstm.stats=1 (details in the ScalaDoc for scala.concurrent.stm.ccstm.CCSTM).
Initial non-snapshot release. Includes * the pluggable ScalaSTM API - foundational types: Ref, TArray - operations: atomic, orAtomic, retry - integrated concurrent collections: TMap, TSet * CCSTM as a reference implementation