A simple chess game implemented in C# for the console.
- All chess pieces with basic movements
- Special moves including castling, en passant, and promotion
- Legal move resolution to avoid putting oneself in check
- Detection of check and checkmate
Castling: Castling is handled automatically if the move involves the king and rook.
En Passant: Automatically executed if a pawn moves two squares forward and lands beside an opponent's pawn.
Promotion: If a pawn reaches the last rank, it is automatically promoted to a queen (or other piece if desired).
Check: The game status will indicate if the current player is in check.
Checkmate: The game will declare a checkmate if the opponent cannot move out of check.
while (!chessmatch.Finished)
Console.Write("Origin: ");
Position origin = Window.ReadChessPosition().ToPosition();
bool[,] possiblePositions = chessmatch.Board.piece(origin).PossibleMoves();
Window.PrintBoard(chessmatch.Board, possiblePositions);
Console.Write("Destiny: ");
Position destiny = Window.ReadChessPosition().ToPosition();
chessmatch.ValidateDestinyPosition(origin, destiny);
chessmatch.MakeMove(origin, destiny);
Catch BoardException to handle invalid moves and other game-related errors:
catch (BoardException e)