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Starred repositories
Welcome to the AWS Code Examples Repository. This repo contains code examples used in the AWS documentation, AWS SDK Developer Guides, and more. For more information, see the Readme.md file below.
A starter project for building performant ECommerce applications with Next.js and React
Full Stack E-commerce Clothing Web build with Next JS
Build a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
🏆 QuizApp is a free and open-source quiz application that lets you play fully customized quizzes right in the browser.
React Native library for Stripe.
eCommerce web application using React, Redux, Redux-Saga, Firebase and SASS.
Simple React JS Quiz Application
A simple, clean starter project with React and Bootstrap 5.
Multiple choice quiz to help learn or teach phonetic sounds
All-inclusive Python cheatsheet
interviewer - questionnaires for computer-aided interviewing using R and Shiny
TestR combines the power of R and R Markdown with the interactivity of Shiny to deliver a multiple choice exam generating app.
An Interactive R Package for Viewing, Entering Filtering and Editing Data
Material for the 2021 GPU workshop at JuliaCon
gagneurlab / RNAseq-ASHG
Forked from c-mertes/RNAseq-ASHG19RNA-seq for Mendelian disease diagnostics: A hands-on tutorial through bioinformatic tools and workflows
Methods to get the probability of a changepoint in a time series.
Tutorial materials for PyData 2015 Seattle.
An experiment to build abstract drawings with #Rstats and physarum model
Single RNA-seq data analysis with R (Finland, May, 2019)
Jupyter Notebooks for learning the PyRosetta platform for biomolecular structure prediction and design
New home of the Covid19-NP-Swab NP-swab manufacturing project