Xipto is a social app which people use to share their experiences that they had in different places like restaurant, theatre, parks, and so on.
A user is able to share and review as many as experiences he wants by creating an account first and then sign in. The user’s score raises 5 points by sharing a new experience and 1 point by reviewing an experience.
The app is a full-stack web application created with MySQL, Node, Express.js, Handlebars, and Sequelize.js .
- Used Express to manage the server and routes.
- Used Node and MySQL to query and routed data in the app.
- Used Handlebars to generate the HTML.
- Used Sequelize.js to talk to the database which provides easy access to MYSQL.
- Used eslint for linting which analyse the code for potential errors.
- Used Travis-CI for Continuous Integration (CI) which automate the build and testing of code every time a team member commits changes to version control.
- Used express-fileupload middleware to upload images.
- Used generate-password for generating random and unique passwords.
- Used express-session to handle sessions in Node.js.
- Used bcrypt npm package to hash passwords.
- Used SendGrid API to send e-mails.
- Used Algolia Places API to search address.
- Make a package.json file by running npm init from the command line.
- Create a server.js file.
- Install the Express npm package: npm install express express-handlebars express-fileupload express-session
- Install the Handlebars npm package: npm install express-handlebars.
- Install MySQL npm package: npm install mysql.
- Require the following npm packages inside of the server.js file:
- Express
- Express-handlebars
- Express-fileupload – used to upload images.
- Express-session - used to handle sessions in Node.js.
- Fs - used to work with file system.
- @sendgrid/mail - used to send e-mails (required an API key on the sendgrid.com website)
- bcrypt - used to hash passwords
- Inside the models directory, create schema.sql and seeds.sql.
- Write SQL queries in schema.sql.
- Write insert queries to populate the user, experience and review table with some entries.
- Create a folder named config.
- Install sequelize package : npm install -g sequelize sequelize-cli
- Create a config.json file inside config directory using sequelize init config command line – change config.json to config.js- install dotenv module –require and config dotenv in config.js –create .env file in the root directory of your project. Add environment-specific variables on new lines in the form of NAME=VALUE
- Create a metadata.js
- create a folder named models.
- In models, make the following files:
- Index.js: Create an index.js file using Sequelize-CLI – sequelize init model
- Category.js : define the category table using sequelize with two fields: name and active.
- Experience.js: define the category table using sequelize with the following fields: name, location, location2, location 3, description, image, active- add afterCreate hook to update the user score and rename the name of the uploaded image by a user.
- Review.js: define the category table using sequelize with the follwoing fields: liked, comment, active- add afterCreate hook to update the user score when he/she review an experience.
- User.js: define the category table using sequelize with the following fields: firstname, lastname, email, password, score, and active.
Note: associate tables using foreign key: a user hasMany experiences and reviews. A review blongsTo an experience and a user. An experience hasMany reviews and belongsTo a user and a category. A category hasMany experiences.
- Create a folder named routes.
- In routes, make the following files:
- htmlRoutes.js: create a set of routes to render handlebars pages.
- apiRoutes-user.js: create an user on the user table using a post route with /api/users.
- apiRoutes-category.js : create a get route with /api/categories url to get all the categories that are active.
- apiRoutes-experience.js: create a set of routes to create, update, and delete operations on the experience table.
- apiRoutes-review.js: create a set of routes to create, update, and delete operations on the review table.
- apiRoutes-auth.js: Authenticate an user using a post route /api/auth- sign out the user using a post route /api/signout-require bcrypt which is a library on NPM for hashing and comparing passwords in Node. Use bcrypt for compareing the password sent with the hash stored in the database.
- Create the layouts directory inside views directory.
- Create the main.handlebars file inside layouts directory..
- Setup the main.handlebars file so it's able to be used by Handlebars.
- Setup the index.handlebars , new-experience.handlebars , profile.handlebars, user.handlebars to have the templates that Handlebars can render onto.