nuorder Public
Forked from springboardretail/nuorderNuORDER Ruby client
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 27, 2023 -
countries Public
Forked from countries/countriesAll sorts of useful information about every country packaged as convenient little country objects. It includes data from ISO 3166 (countries and states/subdivisions ), ISO 4217 (currency), and E.16…
Ruby MIT License UpdatedFeb 4, 2022 -
devise-two-factor Public
Forked from devise-two-factor/devise-two-factorBarebones two-factor authentication with Devise
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMar 30, 2021 -
mock_redis Public
Forked from sds/mock_redisMock Redis gem for Ruby
Ruby Other UpdatedMay 13, 2020 -
ajax-datatables-rails Public
Forked from jbox-web/ajax-datatables-railsA wrapper around datatable's ajax methods that allow synchronization with server-side pagination in a rails app
Ruby MIT License UpdatedNov 13, 2019 -
ancestry Public
Forked from stefankroes/ancestryOrganise ActiveRecord model into a tree structure
attr_encrypted Public
Forked from attr-encrypted/attr_encryptedGenerates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 28, 2019 -
gretel Public
Forked from lassebunk/gretelFlexible Ruby on Rails breadcrumbs plugin.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedFeb 22, 2018 -
devise_security_extension Public
Forked from phatworx/devise_security_extensionAn enterprise security extension for devise, trying to meet industrial standard security demands for web applications.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedFeb 21, 2018 -
summernote-image-attributes Public
Forked from DennisSuitters/summernote-image-attributesSummernote plugin to edit image attributes
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 15, 2018 -
A Ruby/Rack web server built for concurrency
Ruby Other UpdatedJan 19, 2018 -
unicorn Public
Forked from defunkt/unicornUnofficial Unicorn Mirror.
Ruby Other UpdatedJan 18, 2018 -
wicked Public
Forked from zombocom/wickedUse wicked to turn your controller into a wizard
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 30, 2017 -
FutHeadWorkFlow Public
Forked from Creolophus/FutHeadWorkFlow查询FutHead上Fut17数据的alfred workflow
Python UpdatedOct 19, 2017 -
sunspot Public
Forked from sunspot/sunspotSolr-powered search for Ruby objects
JavaScript UpdatedAug 17, 2017 -
carmen Public
Forked from carmen-ruby/carmenA repository of geographic regions for Ruby
Ruby Other UpdatedJul 15, 2017 -
cocoon Public
Forked from nathanvda/cocoonDynamic nested forms using jQuery made easy; works with formtastic, simple_form or default forms
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 11, 2017 -
creek Public
Forked from pythonicrubyist/creekA Ruby library for parsing large Excel files.
sunspot-queue Public
Forked from mbhnyc/sunspot-queueBackground search indexing using existing worker systems
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 13, 2016 -
remotipart Public
Forked from JangoSteve/remotipartRails jQuery file uploads via standard Rails "remote: true" forms.
Ruby Other UpdatedAug 17, 2016 -
chewy Public
Forked from toptal/chewyHigh-level Elasticsearch Ruby framework based on the official elasticsearch-ruby client
Ruby MIT License UpdatedAug 9, 2016 -
elasticsearch-rails Public
Forked from elastic/elasticsearch-railsElasticsearch integrations for ActiveModel/Record and Ruby on Rails
Ruby UpdatedAug 3, 2016 -
gritter Public
Forked from RobinBrouwer/gritterThis Ruby on Rails gem allows you to easily add Growl-like notifications to your application using a jQuery plugin called 'gritter'.
JavaScript UpdatedJul 6, 2016 -
font_assets Public
Forked from mzsanford/font_assetsHelps with serving font assets with Rails 3.1
Ruby UpdatedJun 29, 2016 -
great-migration Public
Forked from cannikin/great-migrationCopy objects from Rackspace to S3
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 13, 2016 -
x-editable-rails Public
Forked from werein/x-editable-railsEdit fields easily with X-Editable helper
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 4, 2016 -
clmystery Public
Forked from veltman/clmysteryA command-line murder mystery
Other UpdatedJan 29, 2016 -
slate Public
Forked from ringcentral/slateBeautiful static documentation for your API
JavaScript Other UpdatedDec 23, 2015 -
solidus_i18n Public
Forked from solidusio/solidus_i18nThis is the Internationalization project for Solidus
Ruby BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 8, 2015 -
gibbon Public
Forked from amro/gibbonGibbon is an API wrapper for MailChimp's API
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 1, 2015