keyvi Public
Forked from subu-cliqz/keyvikeyvi is a key value index, an in-memory FST-based data structure, optimized for size and lookup performance.
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 5, 2020 -
fastText Public
Forked from facebookresearch/fastTextLibrary for fast text representation and classification.
HTML MIT License UpdatedFeb 4, 2020 -
scipy Public
Forked from scipy/scipyScipy library main repository
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedNov 20, 2019 -
annoy Public
Forked from spotify/annoyApproximate Nearest Neighbors in C++/Python optimized for memory usage and loading/saving to disk
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 5, 2016 -
thredis Public
Forked from grisha/thredisThredis is Threaded Redis. Thredis is a fork of Redis that allows for complex operations to be processed in parallel threads for better performance on multi-core systems. See thredis.org and README…
C BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedApr 21, 2015 -
NearPy Public
Forked from pixelogik/NearPyPython framework for fast (approximated) nearest neighbour search in large, high-dimensional data sets using different locality-sensitive hashes.
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 15, 2015 -
Python interface to Amazon Web Services
Python Other UpdatedApr 8, 2014 -
hunmisc Public
Forked from cliqz/hunmiscmiscellaneous tools/scripts for different NLP related tasks
Python GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 7, 2014 -
dash.el Public
Forked from magnars/dash.elA modern list library for Emacs
Emacs Lisp UpdatedFeb 8, 2014 -
redis-py Public
Forked from redis/redis-pyRedis Python Client
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 28, 2014 -
redis-rb Public
Forked from redis/redis-rbA Ruby client library for Redis
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 21, 2014 -
commandr Public
Forked from bogdan-cliqz/commandrTool that creates command line interfaces for functions automatically.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 27, 2013 -
mrjob Public
Forked from Yelp/mrjobRun MapReduce jobs on Hadoop or Amazon Web Services
Python Other UpdatedOct 22, 2013 -
scikit-learn Public
Forked from scikit-learn/scikit-learnscikit-learn: machine learning in Python
C Other UpdatedSep 28, 2013 -
vagrant Public
Forked from hashicorp/vagrantVagrant is a tool for building and distributing working environments.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedSep 22, 2013 -
pyre2 Public
Forked from axiak/pyre2Python wrapper for RE2
C++ BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 12, 2013 -
langid.py Public
Forked from saffsd/langid.pyStand-alone language identification system
Python Other UpdatedAug 3, 2013 -
s3cmd Public
Forked from s3tools/s3cmdOfficial s3cmd repo -- Command line tool for managing Amazon S3 and CloudFront services
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedJun 5, 2013 -
python-lzf Public
Forked from teepark/python-lzfpython bindings to liblzf, a speed demon compression library
C Other UpdatedJun 22, 2012 -
smaz Public
Forked from antirez/smazSmall strings encryption library
C BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedFeb 24, 2012