Currrent version: A python library for data analytics on data including text and/or images with an emphasis on scientific reproducibility. There is only a dependancy on pip (although some versions of pip may have dependancies). Please note the library is currently evolving, and I am testing new functions. Unit tests and continous integration will be added in May 2021. At present the tested functional functions of makedalytics are the following:
This function takes no arguments and reminds what libraries you may want to import by printing them.
This function takes no arguments and displays what your system and packages are, and writes them to a file called "requirementscontext.txt"
Function takes arguments of a list e.g. ['absl-py==0.7.0','aiofiles==0.4.0','altair==4.1.1'] of packages you will have as requirements as test2list. Returns which you are missing in your machine environment. Missing may be a difference of version number.
Function takes arguments of starting row (start row), end row and column or [columns] listed in []. Returns only specified area of dataframe.
This function takes the dataframe as an argument, and produces information on number of columns, rows, data types, existance of nulls etc.
Takes arguments of dataframe(df), 'columns' or 'rows' (axis to zap) and modify_index which can be set to true or false. Returns a cleaned dataframe without columns or rows that have nulls.
If there are duplicates it will show and tell.
Shows you where (what row) certain text is in a columns. Works like nuclear medicine tagging.
Counts split up elements of a string. In the case ofan English sentance that is a count for each word with some counting of certain punctuation..
Helper function to create matrices width' x
height' y
fills with default element which can be set to a number or a boolean (True or False)