Live app at netlify:
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 8.2.2.
Credits for the SVG cards to Adrian Kennard, aka, RevK Blog Twit @TheRealRevK
# development
npm run start
# HMR mode
npm run start:hmr
# production build
npm run build:prod
# unit tests
npm run test
# E2E
npm run cypress
The client and backend are both submodules of poker.
In order to update the shared dependency correctly, execute:
git submodule update --remote --merge
git submodule update --recursive
- The source code must be made public whenever a distribution of the software is made.
- Modifications of the software must be released under the same license.
- Changes made to the source code must be documented.
- If patented material was used in the creation of the software, it grants the right for users to use it. If the user sues anyone over the use of the patented material, they lose the right to use the software.