Elixir is a dynamic, functional language for building scalable and maintainable applications
Apple Push Notifications; No Dirigible Required
drouchy / weary
Forked from mwunsch/wearyA framework and DSL for building RESTful web service clients
Some snippets of vim' plugin snipMate.vim.
drouchy / curator
Forked from braintree/curatorModel and repository framework
A collection of configuration files and scripts for vim, bash, and zsh.
drouchy / webshell
Forked from fictive-kin/webshellA console-based JavaScripty web client utility (using node.js)
drouchy / htty
Forked from htty/httyhtty is the HTTP TTY, a console application for interacting with web servers.
drouchy / gitlabhq
Forked from gitlabhq/gitlabhqProject management and code hosting application. Follow us on twitter @gitlabhq
drouchy / Rake
Forked from SublimeText/RakeSublime Text 2 plugin for Ruby Rake
GitLab CE Mirror | Please open new issues in our issue tracker on
SublimeREPL - run an interpreter inside ST2 (Clojure, CoffeeScript, F#, Groovy, Haskell, Lua, MozRepl, NodeJS, Python, R, Ruby, Scala, shell or configure one yourself)
drouchy / jenx
Forked from urbancoding/jenxA Jenkins build server monitor for Mac OS X, powered by MacRuby. This app sits in your status bar and reports the status of all your Jenkins builds. Click on a job, and it opens it up in your brows…
drouchy / metrical
Forked from iain/metricalRun MetricFu without making it part of your projects depencies.
drouchy / travis-ci
Forked from travis-ci/travis-ciA distributed build system for the Ruby community
A Jenkins build server monitor for Mac OS X, powered by MacRuby. This app sits in your status bar and reports the status of all your Jenkins builds. Click on a job, and it opens it up in your brows…
drouchy / game_of_life
Forked from liquidconcept/game_of_lifeGame of Life base
drouchy / integrity
Forked from integrity/integrityContinuous Integration server
drouchy / bigtuna
Forked from appelier/bigtunaContinuous Integration software written on top of Ruby on Rails 3 and DelayedJob.
Free continuous integration platform for GitHub projects.