Bringing automatic default responsive images to wordpress.
This plugin works by including 4 additional image sizes for each image upload. Whenever wordpress outputs the image through the media uploader, those 4 sizes will be included in the image tag via the srcsizes attribute.
##Hardcoding in template files
You can output a responsive image anywhere you'd like by using the following syntax:
<img src="pathToImage" <?php echo tevkori_get_src_sizes( TheIdOfYourImage ); ?> />
- Uses Picturefill 2.2.2 (Beta)
- Scripts are output to footer
- Image sizes adjusted
- Most importantly, the srcset syntax is being used
- The structure of the plugin is significantly different. The plugin now works by extending the default wordpress image tag functionality to include the srcset sizes syntax.
- another thing to note, tinyMCE doesn't support the srcsizes attribute. To get around that bug, we had to disable a piece of functionality in tinyMCE. Specifically, tinyMCE will no longer remove what it thinks to be invalid html markup as long as this plugin is installed.