League Troll Build is a random, shareable build generator (hence the term "troll build") for playable Champions of the popular online game: League of Legends.
See README in the backend
See README in the frontend
To build the project as a jar
that includes the built Angular frontend bundle as a static resource
served by Spring Boot:
./gradlew build
You may skip tests by appending the -x test argument for a quicker build.
Once gradle has finished with BUILD SUCCESSFUL
cd build
Then run using java -jar
java -jar league-troll-build.jar
Optionally, you can use the embedded
profile override with:
java -jar -Dspring.profiles.active=embedded league-troll-build.jar
Once the app starts, view localhost:8080 on your browser.
Instead of building and running the project manually, you can use Docker to do that. This assumes you have Docker already installed.
From the root of the project, first build the image:
docker build -t league-troll-build:latest .
Next run the container:
docker run --name league-troll-build --publish 8080:8080 --detach league-troll-build:latest
The app will retrieve the latest data from Riot. Once completed, view localhost:8080 on your browser.