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MDL-24405 lang string rewording and removing capitalization
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wildgirl committed Nov 12, 2010
1 parent 710903a commit 7796f9b
Showing 1 changed file with 41 additions and 41 deletions.
82 changes: 41 additions & 41 deletions mod/lesson/lang/en/lesson.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,35 +35,35 @@
$string['activitylink'] = 'Link to an activity';
$string['activitylink_help'] = 'To provide a link at the end of the lesson to another activity in the course, select the activity from the dropdown list.';
$string['activitylinkname'] = 'Go to: {$a}';
$string['addabranchtable'] = 'Add a Branch Table';
$string['addanendofbranch'] = 'Add an End of Branch';
$string['addabranchtable'] = 'Add a content page';
$string['addanendofbranch'] = 'Add a content end page';
$string['addanewpage'] = 'Add a new page';
$string['addaquestionpage'] = 'Add a Question Page';
$string['addaquestionpage'] = 'Add a question page';
$string['addaquestionpagehere'] = 'Add a question page here';
$string['addbranchtable'] = 'Add a Branch Table';
$string['addcluster'] = 'Add a Cluster';
$string['addedabranchtable'] = 'Added a Branch Table';
$string['addedanendofbranch'] = 'Added an End of Branch';
$string['addedaquestionpage'] = 'Added a Question Page';
$string['addedcluster'] = 'Added a Cluster';
$string['addedendofcluster'] = 'Added an End of Cluster';
$string['addendofcluster'] = 'Add an End of Cluster';
$string['addbranchtable'] = 'Add a content page';
$string['addcluster'] = 'Add a cluster';
$string['addedabranchtable'] = 'Added a content page';
$string['addedanendofbranch'] = 'Added a content end page';
$string['addedaquestionpage'] = 'Added a question page';
$string['addedcluster'] = 'Added a cluster';
$string['addedendofcluster'] = 'Added an end of cluster';
$string['addendofcluster'] = 'Add an end of cluster';
$string['addpage'] = 'Add a page';
$string['and'] = 'AND';
$string['anchortitle'] = 'Start of main content';
$string['answer'] = 'Answer';
$string['answeredcorrectly'] = 'answered correctly.';
$string['answersfornumerical'] = 'Answers for Numerical questions should be matched pairs of Minimum and Maximum values';
$string['arrangebuttonshorizontally'] = 'Arrange Branch buttons horizontally?';
$string['answersfornumerical'] = 'Answers for numerical questions should be matched pairs of minimum and maximum values';
$string['arrangebuttonshorizontally'] = 'Arrange content buttons horizontally?';
$string['attempt'] = 'Attempt: {$a}';
$string['attempts'] = 'Attempts';
$string['attemptsdeleted'] = 'Deleted attempts';
$string['attemptsremaining'] = 'You have {$a} attempt(s) remaining';
$string['available'] = 'Available from';
$string['averagescore'] = 'Average score';
$string['averagetime'] = 'Average time';
$string['branch'] = 'Branch';
$string['branchtable'] = 'Branch Table';
$string['branch'] = 'Content';
$string['branchtable'] = 'Content';
$string['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$string['cannotfindanswer'] = 'Error: could not find answer';
$string['cannotfindattempt'] = 'Error: could not find attempt';
Expand All @@ -72,9 +72,9 @@
$string['cannotfindfirstpage'] = 'Could not find first page';
$string['cannotfindgrade'] = 'Error: could not find grades';
$string['cannotfindnewestgrade'] = 'Error: could not find newest grade';
$string['cannotfindnextpage'] = 'Lesson Backup: Next page not found!';
$string['cannotfindpagerecord'] = 'Add end of branch: page record not found';
$string['cannotfindpages'] = 'Could not find Lesson Pages';
$string['cannotfindnextpage'] = 'Lesson backup: Next page not found!';
$string['cannotfindpagerecord'] = 'Add content end page: page record not found';
$string['cannotfindpages'] = 'Could not find lesson pages';
$string['cannotfindpagetitle'] = 'Confirm delete: page title not found';
$string['cannotfindpreattempt'] = 'Previous attempt record could not be found!';
$string['cannotfindrecords'] = 'Error: could not find lesson records';
Expand All @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
$string['completethefollowingconditions'] = 'You must complete the following condition(s) in <b>{$a}</b> lesson before you can proceed.';
$string['conditionsfordependency'] = 'Condition(s) for the dependency';
$string['configactionaftercorrectanswer'] = 'The default action to take after a correct answer';
$string['configmaxanswers'] = 'Default maximum number of answers/branches per page';
$string['configmaxanswers'] = 'Default maximum number of answers per page';
$string['configmaxhighscores'] = 'Number of high scores displayed';
$string['configmediaclose'] = 'Displays a close button as part of the popup generated for a linked media file';
$string['configmediaheight'] = 'Sets the height of the popup displayed for a linked media file';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
$string['displayleftif'] = 'Display left menu only if grade greater than';
$string['displayleftif_help'] = 'This setting determines whether a student must obtain a certain grade before viewing the left menu. This forces the student to go through the entire lesson on their first attempt, then after obtaining the required grade they can use the left menu for review.';
$string['displayleftmenu'] = 'Display left menu';
$string['displayleftmenu_help'] = 'If enabled, a list of pages (branch tables) is displayed.';
$string['displayleftmenu_help'] = 'If enabled, a list of pages is displayed.';
$string['displayofgrade'] = 'Display of grade (for students only)';
$string['displayreview'] = 'Provide option to try a question again';
$string['displayreview_help'] = 'If enabled, when a question is answered incorrectly, the student is given the option to try it again for no point credit, or continue with the lesson.';
Expand All @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
$string['emailallgradedessays'] = 'Email ALL graded essays';
$string['emailgradedessays'] = 'Email graded essays';
$string['emailsuccess'] = 'Emails sent successfully';
$string['endofbranch'] = 'End of branch';
$string['endofbranch'] = 'End of content';
$string['endofcluster'] = 'End of cluster';
$string['endofclustertitle'] = 'End of cluster';
$string['endoflesson'] = 'End of lesson';
Expand All @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
$string['essays'] = 'Essays';
$string['essayscore'] = 'Essay score';
$string['fileformat'] = 'File Format';
$string['firstanswershould'] = 'First answer should jump to the "Correct" Page';
$string['firstanswershould'] = 'First answer should jump to the "Correct" page';
$string['firstwrong'] = 'Unfortunately you cannot earn this one point, because your response was not correct. Would you like to keep guessing, just for the sheer joy of learning (but for no point credit)?';
$string['flowcontrol'] = 'Flow control';
$string['full'] = 'Expanded';
Expand All @@ -184,8 +184,8 @@
$string['highscore'] = 'High score';
$string['highscores'] = 'High scores';
$string['hightime'] = 'High time';
$string['checkbranchtable'] = 'Check branch table';
$string['checkedthisone'] = 'checked this one.';
$string['checkbranchtable'] = 'Check content page';
$string['checkedthisone'] = 'Checked this one.';
$string['checknavigation'] = 'Check navigation';
$string['checkquestion'] = 'Check question';
$string['importcount'] = 'Importing {$a} questions';
Expand All @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
$string['invalidpageid'] = 'Invalid Page ID';
$string['jump'] = 'Jump';
$string['jumps'] = 'Jumps';
$string['jumps_help'] = 'Each answer (for questions) or description (for branch pages) has a corresponding jump. The jump can be relative, such as this page or next page, or absolute, specifying any one of the pages in the lesson.';
$string['jumps_help'] = 'Each answer (for questions) or description (for content pages) has a corresponding jump. The jump can be relative, such as this page or next page, or absolute, specifying any one of the pages in the lesson.';
$string['jumpsto'] = 'Jumps to <em>{$a}</em>';
$string['leftduringtimed'] = 'You have left during a timed lesson.<br />Please click on Continue to restart the lesson.';
$string['leftduringtimednoretake'] = 'You have left during a timed lesson and you are<br />not allowed to retake or continue the lesson.';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,8 +229,8 @@
$string['maxgrade'] = 'Maximum grade';
$string['maxgrade_help'] = 'This setting specifies the maximum grade for the lesson. If set to 0, the lesson does not appear in the grades pages.';
$string['maxhighscores'] = 'Number of high scores displayed';
$string['maximumnumberofanswersbranches'] = 'Maximum number of answers/branches';
$string['maximumnumberofanswersbranches_help'] = 'This setting specifies the maximum number of answers/branches that may be used in the lesson. If only true/false questions are used, it can be set to 2. The setting may be changed at any time, since it only effects what the teacher sees, not the data.';
$string['maximumnumberofanswersbranches'] = 'Maximum number of answers';
$string['maximumnumberofanswersbranches_help'] = 'This setting specifies the maximum number of answers that may be used in the lesson. If only true/false questions are used, it can be set to 2. The setting may be changed at any time, since it only effects what the teacher sees, not the data.';
$string['maximumnumberofattempts'] = 'Maximum number of attempts';
$string['maximumnumberofattempts_help'] = 'This setting specifies the maximum number of attempts allowed for each question. If answered incorrectly repeatedly, when the maximum is reached, the next page of the lesson is displayed.';
$string['maximumnumberofattemptsreached'] = 'Maximum number of attempts reached - Moving to next page';
Expand All @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
$string['mediaheight'] = 'Popup window height:';
$string['mediawidth'] = 'Popup window width:';
$string['minimumnumberofquestions'] = 'Minimum number of questions';
$string['minimumnumberofquestions_help'] = 'This setting specifies the minimum number of questions that will be used to calculate a grade for the activity. If the lesson contains one or more branch tables, the minimum number of questions should be set to zero.
$string['minimumnumberofquestions_help'] = 'This setting specifies the minimum number of questions that will be used to calculate a grade for the activity. If the lesson contains one or more content pages, the minimum number of questions should be set to zero.
If set to say 20, it is suggested that the following text is added to the opening page of the lesson: "In this lesson you are expected to attempt at least 20 questions. You can attempt more if you wish. However, if you attempt less than 20 questions, your grade will be calculated as though you attempted 20."';
$string['missingname'] = 'Please enter a nickname';
Expand All @@ -260,14 +260,14 @@
$string['multianswer'] = 'Multiple-answer';
$string['multianswer_help'] = 'Tick the checkbox if more than one response is a correct answer.';
$string['multichoice'] = 'Multichoice';
$string['multipleanswer'] = 'Multiple Answer';
$string['multipleanswer'] = 'Multiple answer';
$string['nameapproved'] = 'Name approved';
$string['namereject'] = 'Sorry, your name has been rejected by the filter.<br />Please try another name.';
$string['new'] = 'new';
$string['nextpage'] = 'Next page';
$string['noanswer'] = 'No answer given. Please go back and submit an answer.';
$string['noattemptrecordsfound'] = 'No attempt records found: no grade given';
$string['nobranchtablefound'] = 'No Branch Table found';
$string['nobranchtablefound'] = 'No content page found';
$string['nocommentyet'] = 'No comment yet.';
$string['nocoursemods'] = 'No activities found';
$string['nocredit'] = 'No credit';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
$string['other'] = 'Other';
$string['outof'] = 'Out of {$a}';
$string['overview'] = 'Overview';
$string['overview_help'] = 'A lesson is made up of a number of pages and optionally branch tables. A page contains some content and usually ends with a question. Associated with each answer to the question is a jump. The jump can be relative, such as this page or next page, or absolute, specifying any one of the pages in the lesson. A branch table is a page containing a set of links to other pages in the lesson, for example a Table of Contents.';
$string['overview_help'] = 'A lesson is made up of a number of pages and optionally content pages. A page contains some content and usually ends with a question. Associated with each answer to the question is a jump. The jump can be relative, such as this page or next page, or absolute, specifying any one of the pages in the lesson. A content page is a page containing a set of links to other pages in the lesson, for example a Table of Contents.';
$string['page'] = 'Page: {$a}';
$string['pagecontents'] = 'Page contents';
$string['pages'] = 'Pages';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,8 +336,8 @@
$string['question'] = 'Question';
$string['questionoption'] = 'Question';
$string['questiontype'] = 'Question type';
$string['randombranch'] = 'Random branch page';
$string['randompageinbranch'] = 'Random question within a branch';
$string['randombranch'] = 'Random content page';
$string['randompageinbranch'] = 'Random question within a content page';
$string['rank'] = 'Rank';
$string['rawgrade'] = 'Raw grade';
$string['receivedcredit'] = 'Received credit';
Expand All @@ -354,17 +354,17 @@
$string['reviewquestionback'] = 'Yes, I\'d like to try again';
$string['reviewquestioncontinue'] = 'No, I just want to go on to the next question';
$string['sanitycheckfailed'] = 'Sanity check failed: This attempt has been deleted';
$string['savechanges'] = 'Save Changes';
$string['savechanges'] = 'Save changes';
$string['savechangesandeol'] = 'Save all changes and go to the end of the lesson.';
$string['savepage'] = 'Save page';
$string['score'] = 'Score';
$string['scores'] = 'Scores';
$string['secondpluswrong'] = 'Not quite. Would you like to try again?';
$string['selectaqtype'] = 'Select a question type';
$string['shortanswer'] = 'Short answer';
$string['showanunansweredpage'] = 'Show an unanswered Page';
$string['showanunseenpage'] = 'Show an Unseen Page';
$string['singleanswer'] = 'Single Answer';
$string['showanunansweredpage'] = 'Show an unanswered page';
$string['showanunseenpage'] = 'Show an unseen page';
$string['singleanswer'] = 'Single answer';
$string['skip'] = 'Skip navigation';
$string['slideshow'] = 'Slideshow';
$string['slideshow_help'] = 'If enabled, the lesson is displayed as a slideshow, with a fixed width and height.';
Expand All @@ -377,7 +377,7 @@
$string['studentoneminwarning'] = 'Warning: You have 1 minute or less to finish the lesson.';
$string['studentresponse'] = '{$a}\'s response';
$string['submitname'] = 'Submit name';
$string['teacherjumpwarning'] = 'An {$a->cluster} jump or an {$a->unseen} jump is being used in this lesson. The Next Page jump will be used instead. Login as a student to test these jumps.';
$string['teacherjumpwarning'] = 'An {$a->cluster} jump or an {$a->unseen} jump is being used in this lesson. The nextpPage jump will be used instead. Login as a student to test these jumps.';
$string['teacherongoingwarning'] = 'Ongoing score is only displayed for student. Login as a student to test ongoing score';
$string['teachertimerwarning'] = 'Timer only works for students. Test the timer by logging in as a student.';
$string['thatsthecorrectanswer'] = 'That\'s the correct answer';
Expand All @@ -388,11 +388,11 @@
$string['timespenterror'] = 'Spend at least {$a} minutes in the lesson';
$string['timespentminutes'] = 'Time spent (minutes)';
$string['timetaken'] = 'Time taken';
$string['topscorestitle'] = 'Top {$a} High Scores';
$string['truefalse'] = 'True/False';
$string['topscorestitle'] = 'Top {$a} high scores';
$string['truefalse'] = 'True/false';
$string['unabledtosavefile'] = 'The file you uploaded could not be saved';
$string['unknownqtypesnotimported'] = '{$a} questions with unsupported question types were not imported';
$string['unseenpageinbranch'] = 'Unseen question within a branch';
$string['unseenpageinbranch'] = 'Unseen question within a content page';
$string['unsupportedqtype'] = 'Unsupported question type ({$a})!';
$string['updatedpage'] = 'Updated page';
$string['updatefailed'] = 'Update failed';
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